中国是舞狮运动的发源地。舞狮自问世以来,深受历代各族人民的喜爱。舞狮历史悠久,可以追溯到2000多年以前。有记录表明,早在唐朝的时候,舞狮就已经在皇室上演。舞狮表演可分为文狮 (Wenshi)和武狮 (Wushi)。前者表现的狮子温顺、有趣,而与友好的文狮相反,武狮则表现狮子的力量。由于中国人相信狮子是祥瑞 (auspicious)之兽,舞狮能够带来好运,所以每逢春节或其他一些庆典活动,都会通过舞狮来祈求吉利。
1. 是……的发源地:即“起源于”,可以用be home to或者originate from来表达。
2. 舞狮历史悠久,可以追溯到2000多年以前:翻译为It has a long history stretching back over 2,000 years。stretch back意为“回溯到”。
3. 有记录表明:此处可以简洁地翻译为Records show,而不用译为There are records which show。
4. 早在唐朝的时候:翻译为as early as the Tang Dynasty。
5. 祈求:翻译为pray for。pray意为“祈祷,恳求”,常与介词for搭配。
Lion Dance
China is home to the lion dance. The dance has been popular among people from various ethnic groups for generations since its inception. It has a long history stretching back more than 2,000 years. Records show that the lion dance had been performed for the royal family as early as the Tang Dynasty. The performance can be classified into Wenshi (civil lion) and Wushi (martial lion). The former depicts a docile and amusing lion. Contrary to its friendly cousin, Wushi portrays the power of the lion. As Chinese people believe that the lion is an auspicious animal and the lion dance would bring them good luck, so that the lion dance is often performed to pray for good luck at the Spring Festival and other ceremonies.
舞狮起源众说不一。较为可靠的说法是“狮”本来是和“龙”、“麒麟(Chinese unicorn)”一样都只是神话中的动物。后来,随着中国与西域(the Western Regions)之间的文化交流,波斯使者把狮子等动物运到中国。狮子体型威武,被誉为百兽之王,而当时我国中原(Central Plains)地带不产狮子,因此一般也不受狮患所害,民间便对狮子有了亲切感,把它当成威武(might)与吉祥的象征,并希望用狮子威猛的形象驱魔赶邪,便造成狮形以示威武。随着人们对狮子的喜爱增加,人们不再满足于屋檐、石栏、印章、年画上静止的狮子艺术形象,他们要让狮子活起来,于是便创造了模拟狮子行为的舞蹈,再加以改进和发展成了舞狮。至唐朝,舞狮已然成为一种大型的宫廷舞蹈表演。白居易曾在诗中这样描述狮子舞:“假面胡人假面狮,刻木为头丝作尾,金镀眼睛银贴齿,奋迅毛衣摆双耳……”。