重阳节,又称登高节,为农历九月初九。在重阳节这天,传统的饮食是重阳糕、菊花 (chrysanthemum)酒、菊花茶。登高、插茱萸 (cornel)和赏菊是重阳节的重要习俗。这些活动不仅增加了重阳节的节日气氛,而且据说通过这些活动,还可以避祸免灾。如今,重阳节已经无法见到插茱萸的风俗了,但是很多人仍然习惯在这一天登高赏菊,观赏秋天的美景。在中国的一些地方,重阳节还有祭拜祖先之墓的风俗。具有悠久历史的重阳节已经被列入第一批国家级非物质 (intangible)文化遗产名录。
1. 农历九月初九:可译为the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar,或可译为the ninth day of the ninth lunar month。
2. 不仅……而且……:此处可用not only...but (also)...的结构。
3. 习惯……:可译为have the habit of...或be in the habit of...
4. 祭拜祖先之墓:此处可意译为visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects。
5. 被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录:在介绍传统习俗的文章中,这个表达比较常见,可译为be listed in the first group of national intangible cultural heritages。
Chongyang Festival
Chongyang Festival, also known as Heights Ascending Festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. Chongyang cake, chrysanthemum wine and chrysanthemum tea are traditional diet of the festival. Ascending heights, wearing cornel and appreciating chrysanthemums are important customs of that day. These activities not only add to the festive atmosphere, but allegedly help people avoid misfortune and prevent disasters. Although one can no longer see anyone wearing cornel on the day of Chongyang Festival now, many people still have the habit of climbing a mountain to appreciate chrysanthemums and enjoy the beautiful scenery in autumn. In some places of China, people also visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects. The long-standing Chongyang Festival has been listed in the first group of national intangible cultural heritages.
在中国数字中,一、三、五、七、九为阳数,二、四、六、八为阴数。因此,九月初九为两九相重,所以也被称为“重阳”。重阳节是杂糅多种民俗为一体而形成的汉族传统节日。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏景、登高望远、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。重阳登高望远也称为“踏秋”,与“踏春(go for a hike in spring)”相对。重阳糕是一种用面粉做成的食品,可以加枣、银杏、松子、杏仁做成甜品,也可以加肉做成咸的,讲究的还要做成九层,再在上面做两只小羊,以谐“重阳(羊)”之音。由于“九九”谐音是“久久”,有长久之意,所以常在这一天推行敬老活动。新修改实施的《老年人权益保障法》中规定“每年农历九月初九为老年节”。2013年的重阳节是中国第一个法定的老年节。