有人说,阅读决定着一个民族思维的深度和高度,对文化传承、国家发展有着重要的意义,一个浅薄 (superficial)、浮躁 (impetuous)的民族是无法强大和发展的。已有专家指出,如果仅仅满足于“浅阅读”,或者过分热衷于“浅阅读”,对于国家和民族将是灾难性的。这就是为什么在高科技浪潮中,很多网络发达的国家反而更强调传统式阅读。近年来,世界很多国家都把提倡阅读风气、提升阅读能力列为教育改革的重点,通过实施这些措施重新唤起“深度阅读”。
1. 有人说:翻译为It is stated that,还可译作It is said that。
2. 阅读决定着一个民族思维的深度和高度:翻译为reading determines how far and wide a nation can think。汉语中“思维的深度和高度”在英文中并无直接对应的说法,需转译为how far and wide a nation can think。考生应留意英语和汉语之间的差异,用地道英文翻译出汉语的内在含义,不可逐词直译。
3. 如果仅仅满足于“浅阅读”,或者过分热衷于“浅阅读”:翻译为are either merely satisfied with or too keen on so-called“shallow reading”。其中“或者”体现出选择关系,因此可译作either...or...;因为首次提到“浅阅读”,可以用so-called来补译其暗含的意味。
4. 更强调传统式阅读:翻译为have attached greater importance to traditional reading。attach importance to为固定用法,意为“对……予以重视”,相当于句中的“强调”。
5. 把提倡阅读风气、提升阅读能力列为教育改革的重点:翻译为have made advocating reading and improving reading skills the focus of education reform,其中,“把……列为重点”译作have made...the focus,既符合英文的表述方式,又很好地传递了原文的含义,切不可逐词直译。
Shallow Reading and Deep Reading
It is stated that reading determines how far and wide a nation can think and it is significant for cultural transmission and national development. It is impossible for a superficial and impetuous nation to become strong and developed. It has been pointed out by experts that it would be catastrophic for a country and its nation if people in this country are either merely satisfied with or too keen on so-called“shallow reading”. That is why many countries with highly developed networks have attached greater importance to traditional reading in the high-tech trends. In recent years, lots of countries in the world have made advocating reading and improving reading skills the focus of education reform in an effort to revive“deep reading”.
浅阅读就是阅读时不需要思考而采取跳跃式的阅读方法,所谓囫囵吞枣、一目十行、不求甚解,它所追求的是短暂的视觉快感和心理的怡悦。知识、技术与观念的更新使人们不再有坐拥书城的快感,世界正在由厚变薄,阅读的深度和广度被信息时代阅读的速率打败。在信息浩如烟海的时代,浅阅读让我们大多处于一种“知其然,而不知其所以然”(know the hows but not the ways)的状态。因为很多东西我们只是看到了肤浅的表面,深层次的内涵并没有弄清楚。我们清楚地知道嫦娥二号成功奔月,却不知道它艰难的研制过程;我们知晓身边发生的一切最新事件,却不知道事件的背后还有哪些值得深思;我们知道WTO是世贸组织的英文简称,但并不知道它的来历、中国与世贸组织的渊源等,甚至都不能准确读出它的英文全称……这种迷茫状态值得警醒。