对于包括美国、法国和英国在内的许多西方国家来说,中国人是它们最大的海外消费群体。在旅游中,欧美各大奢侈品商店已成为中国游客的必到之处,似乎不带几件奢侈品回去就不算真正出过国。国际各大奢侈品牌也逐渐开始将中国市场放在首位。许多奢侈品商店已经规定店员必须学会普通话 (Mandarin),以便更好地融进广阔的新市场。事实上,绝大部分奢侈品品牌在国内都有门店,为什么中国消费者还要舍近求远呢?国际奢侈品牌长期以来在国内的售价大大高于国外是其根本原因。
1. 必到之处:翻译成must-visit places,也可翻译成a prime destination。
2. 似乎不带几件奢侈品回去就不算真正出过国:该句说的实际上是出国购物的人的一种感觉,故而在翻译时可采用增译法将句子的意义补全。
3. 将中国市场放在首位:“将……放在首位”,除了可以用give priority to外,还可以用 one's top priority。
4. 更好地融进广阔的新市场:此处“融进”译为cash in on,cash in on原意为“从中牟利,捞到好处”。
5. 根本原因:可译为the root cause。cause为名词,译为“原因”。
The International Purchasing Power of Chinese
Chinese are the largest group of overseas shoppers for many western countries, including the United States, France and the United Kingdom. Various luxury stores in the United States and Europe have become must-visit places for Chinese tourists, and it seems like that they would feel they had never truly been abroad if they didn't bring back several luxury goods from abroad. The international luxury brands also gradually begin to list Chinese market as their top priority. In many luxury stores assistants are required to speak Mandarin to cash in on the vast new market. In fact, most luxury brands have stores in China. Why do Chinese consumers go all the way to another country to buy those luxury products? The root cause of that is international luxury brands have been sold at much higher prices for a long time in China than in many other countries.
有专家分析,中国经济速度增长的大环境促进了中国消费者对奢侈品巨大的市场需求。但随着中国经济从以投资为主导的增长转向以消费为主导的增长,我们应预期到消费者信心会出现起伏。尽管如此,国际各大奢侈品公司仍然不打算在中国降价销售,有的公司反而计划提高欧洲的售价,以“缩小”价差。这实际上是商家的一种策略。很多消费者依然认为产在国外的东西比国内好,还是从国外购买。此外,中国有句古话:物以稀为贵(when a thing is scarce, it is precious)。或许这正是中国人如此追求国外奢侈品的原因之一吧。对企业而言,能够全面掌握消费者的消费态度以及消费行为变化,以适时调整战略变得十分重要。