There are a few downsides, too: making Frappuccinos, talking to customers, and hearing the Hamilton soundtrack over and over again until you feel like filling your ears with whipped cream or “getting a ladder and ripping out all of our speakers from the ceiling,” as one Starbucks employee complained on Reddit.
While music can make you more productive, too much of the exact same music can be very, very bad.
Last month, Grub Street reported that the Starbucks playlist was making some of its employees stabby, specifically when it came to the “Hamilton Takeover,” a playlist that took over the air at 8,000 Starbucks locations during the week of January 11.
While Hamilton may have triggered this particular onslaught of complaints, retail workers have long complained about being exposed to extended stretches of the same music, especially around Christmas time.
(Being readily exposed to instrumental versions of Maroon 5, Coldplay, or Train can’t be great for morale, either.)
It’s a lot of monotony for employees to tolerate, all for the sake of background music and those Third Place vibes.
Now, CBC Radio program The Current is continuing the conversation about whether repetitive and occasionally outright bad (looking at you, Train) music is deleterious to the mental health of retail and food service workers.
如今加拿大广播公司的之声节目《趋势》(《The Current》)一直在谈论这样的话题,那就是反复或偶尔听到非常糟糕的音乐(看看你们,火车乐队)是否会损害零售和食品服务工作人员的精神健康。
“[The repetition of music is] the same system that’s used to . . . flood people out of, you know, the Branch Davidian in Waco or was used on terror suspects in Guantanamo.”