A Cambridge student fell to her death after opening an airplane door midflight
Police say a 19-year-old British student fell to her death from a small plane in Madagascar after opening a door in midair.
警方表示,马达加斯加一名19岁的英国学生在半空中打开一扇门后,从一架小飞机上摔下身亡。Cambridge University natural sciences student Alana Cutland fell from a Cessna C168 on the island nation off Africa's east coast July 25. Her body has not been found.
7月25日,剑桥大学自然科学学生Alana Cutland从非洲东海岸外的岛国塞斯纳C168坠落。她的身体还没有找到。
Local police chief Sinola Nomenjahary told The Sun newspaper that Cutland unbuckled her seat belt, opened the plane door and tried to get out. He said another passenger struggled to hold onto her for several minutes before Cutland fell.
当地警察局长Sinola Nomenjahary告诉太阳报,Cutland解开了她的安全带,打开了飞机的门,试图出去。他说,另一名乘客在卡德兰坠落前挣扎着抓住她好几分钟。
Police are investigating the incident.
Cutland's family said in a statement she "grasped every opportunity that was offered to her with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure" and was in Madagascar on a research trip.