Figure skater Ashley Wagner, an Olympic bronze medalist and three-time national champion, tells her story of when she was sexually assaulted at 17.
花样滑冰运动员阿什利瓦格纳(Ashley Wagner)曾获得奥运会铜牌,三次获得全国冠军,她讲述了自己17岁时遭到性侵犯的故事。
That Ashley Wagner waited more than a decade to go public with allegations of her sexual assault is neither surprising nor unusual.
阿什利·瓦格纳(Ashley Wagner)等了10多年才将性侵指控公之于众,这既不令人意外,也不罕见。
In fact, that she’s going public at all makes her a rarity.
Only about one in four survivors report being abused and, of those who do, delayed reporting is “definitely the norm,” said Scott Berkowitz, founder and president of RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. That is particularly true for teenagers, as Wagner was when she was assaulted.
美国最大的反性暴力组织RAINN的创始人兼总裁斯科特·伯科维茨(Scott Berkowitz)说,只有大约四分之一的幸存者报告受到虐待,而在那些受到虐待的人中,拖延报告“绝对是正常现象”。对青少年来说尤其如此,就像瓦格纳被侵犯时一样。
According to a 2017 study by the National Women’s Law Center, just 1% of girls ages 14 to 18 reported being sexually harassed or assaulted to the police while 2% said they told their parents or a school administrator.
“No matter how old you are or what the context is, it can be incredibly difficult to make a report of sexual assault,” said Emily Martin, the vice president for Education and Workplace Justice at the National Women’s Law Center.
美国国家妇女法律中心(National Women 's Law Center)负责教育和工作场所司法的副主任艾米丽·马丁(Emily Martin)说,“无论你多大年纪,也无论你所处的环境如何,要对性侵犯做出报告都可能极其困难。”
“There’s a lot of misplaced shame in being the victim of a sexual assault, and I think that’s especially true if you’re very young,” Martin said. “(They’re) frightened and ashamed of telling people you have a sexual experience at all, setting aside the very real fear of being disbelieved.”
The reasons for not disclosing are myriad, ranging from that fear of not being believed to not wanting to have to relive the assault to not wanting the assault to become their identity. There is also the fear of retaliation if the abuser is in a position of power or, as in Wagner’s case, a fear of being seen as “disrupting” the workplace or team and the resulting retribution.
And if it’s a teenager and the abuser is a friend or friends with all of his or her friends, the decision of whether to report is all the more fraught.
Wagner told USA TODAY Sports that she was 17 when pairs skater John Coughlin kissed and groped her without her consent in June 2008. Though Coughlin was five years older, the all-consuming demands of training and competition make the social circle of elite figure skaters – all elite athletes, really – inordinately small.
“I didn’t know what would happen," Wagner said. "I was afraid that my federation would see me in a different light and this was right around the time that my career was just starting to take off so it was all really new and exciting and I didn’t want to jeopardize my position in this sport in any way.”
Said Berkowitz, speaking in general about teenagers victimized by someone in their social circle: “There’s extra complexity in speaking out there because there’s a fear you’re alienating your peer group by being the one who speaks out. Or you’re hurting someone who’s part of that group or who your friends care about.