Months ago, my daughter -- age 9 at the time -- came to my wife and me with a plea to download the app, which was all the rage among her classmates.
It basically enables you to share your own music videos to popular songs. She reassured me that we could limit the people she shared with to "just friends." And as she described it, the app sounded creative and fun to her, and safe to me.
Besides, she added, "everyone else has it."
But I wasn't buying it, literally. I told her I'd have to research the app and started with the website Common Sense Media. I've been relying on the nonprofit's reviews of screen media since we started showing our daughter movies at the age of 4. (Full disclosure: I now serve on the advisory board of Common Sense News, and CNN occasionally runs Common Sense content.)
The site gave an age rating of "16+," pointing out that it is essentially a social network, and "some families have encountered explicit sexual material despite the available settings and controls in the app."
Normally, that would be enough for me say no to my daughter, but she had already argued that the site was wrong if it said 9 years old was too young. She'd been on on her friends' phones and seen nothing that made her uncomfortable. I trust her judgment, so I sought out more information. I read other internet commentary, signed up for the app myself and stayed up after she went to bed to try it out.
Within minutes, I saw sexual images in profiles, in homemade videos and in comments that all made the site feel a lot more mature than my daughter.
In fairness to, the app's terms and conditions say as much. Signup requires users to be age 13 and older, but user age is self-reported and parents can do nothing.
I reached out to to ask them what measures they are taking to address the inappropriate content I saw, and they pointed me to their parent Q&A page, which explains that choosing a private account means the only people who can message you are those from whom you accept a follow request. And as for explicit profile pictures in those follow requests, or in the public videos or in the comments to videos, the parents page explains that they can all be reported for moderation and possible removal.