They say there is always more than meets the eye. So today, we are going to take you on an illusory roller coaster where things are not what they seem, or rather they seem to be not what they are… Unless you look twice, and thrice, and then everything seems fine.
Bored Panda has compiled a list full of mind-bending camouflages we encounter every day and don’t give much thought to. From a sizzling paella bowl that resembles a pool full of tiny humans to a piece of toothpaste that came out just like someone’s taken their nose off, these are some of the most amusing optical illusions.
Bored Panda网站整理了一份清单,里面全是我们每天都会遇到却没怎么留意的令人费解的伪装术。从盛满小人的咝咝作响的海鲜饭碗,到像被人割掉鼻子一样从嘴里冒出来的牙膏,这是一些最有趣的视觉幻象。
Be prepared for your mind to play tricks on you, and don’t forget to check out our previous posts with incredible optical illusions here.
#1 This Is The Top Of A Fence Post
#2 My Black Cat Looks Like My White Cat’s Shadow
#3 I Found A Pattern On Some Rocks In Sweden That Looks A Bit Like Starry Night By Van Gogh
#4 The Armadillo Lizard Looks Like A Baby Dragon
#5 Frozen Spider Web Looks Like A Knitting
#6 This Is Moss Agate From Indonesia, The ''Moss'' Is Actually Iron And Other Mineral Inclusions In The Stone That Make It Look Like It Contains A Secret Forest
#7 These Trees With Christmas Lights Under The Snow Look Like Rocket Launch
#8 I Took A Picture Of A Window With Rain On It And It Looks Like A Planet Surrounded By Millions Of Stars
#9 The Moon Looks Like Saturn
#10 These Sunset Clouds Look Like Lava
图片来源:Inga Korolkovaite