Halloween is just around the corner and it’s about that time of the year when we are getting all crazed and creative while pumping those brain cells hard to come up with the coolest costumes. But the good news is that the best inspiration always comes from the things around us.
And from the year we've had so far, it seems like this Halloween will be the party of the century. Think of COVID deniers, anti-vax "Karens" callin’ corporate, a trash bag that represents GOT’s final season, and many more out-of-the-box ideas that have been packed into this prep list by Bored Panda. And even though the costume winner is more or less obvious—Steve Martin, where are you?—we suspect the grey hair paint and plastic mini flies will be flying off the shelves this year.
从今年的情况来看,今年的万圣节似乎将成为本世纪最盛大的派对。想想那些否认COVID的人,反vax的“Karens”们,代表《时尚狂人》最后一季的垃圾袋,还有很多已经被Bored Panda打包进这个准备清单的创意。即使服装冠军多少有点显而易见——史蒂夫·马丁,你在哪里?我们怀疑这种灰色染发剂和塑料迷你苍蝇今年会从货架上一扫而空。
For more ways to win Halloween this year once and for all, check out our previous posts with killer costumes here.
#1 Kid Won The Best Costume Award At His School
#2 We’ve Watched Beauty And The Beast Too Many Times To Count. She Is Lucky She Has The Cutest Beast That Puts Up With Her Shenanigans
#3 My Son’s Hand Made Halloween Costume. He’s Been Working On It Since April
#4 Social Media Post And The Reality Behind It
#5 My Grandma Found A Clever Way To Incorporate Her Walker Into Her Halloween Costume
#6 You Better Be Scared
#7 My First DIY Costume. I Was Medusa
#8 Please Pray For My Dog. He Just Realized We’re Insane
#9 Mermaid On Wheels
#10 I Just Want Everyone To Know That My Two-Year Old Insisted On Being “Pants” For Halloween
图片来源:Liucija Adomaite