Cooking—it’s that optional thing that we do when we don’t want to look like lazy good-for-nothings eating cheese and salami straight out of the pack and munching on raw vegetables instead of making a salad. Even cavemen and barbarians were able to cook things well. But even with the help of modern technology, we sometimes end up absolutely butchering our meals and making mega cooking fails.
Prepare your stomachs, dear Readers, for Bored Panda has baked up a feast of the most incredible cooking fails for you to enjoy. Upvote your fave pics and leave a comment about the times you messed up while cooking. We’ve got more epic cooking fails for you to taste right here. Remember to chew well and take your time. Patience and focus have a lot to do with success in the kitchen (and in life, but that’s another story). If you’re distracted or running around like a headless chicken then odds are, you’ll make a ton of mistakes. Before you know it, your spaghetti’s on fire. Or worse—it’s fallen straight inside your shoes. Don’t believe us? Scroll on down.
亲爱的读者们,准备好你的胃吧,Bored Panda为你准备了一顿最令人难以置信的烹饪大餐。给你最喜欢的照片投上一票,对你烹饪时搞砸的事情留下评论。我们有更多史诗级的烹饪失败,让你在这里“品尝”。记住要好好咀嚼,不要着急。耐心和专注与厨房的成功有很大关系(在生活中也是如此,但那是另一回事)。如果你分心或者像无头苍蝇一样到处乱跑,那么你很有可能会犯很多错误。不知不觉,你的意大利面就着火了。更糟的是,它直接掉在你的鞋子里。不相信我们吗?向下滚动。
Pie artist and baking and cooking pro Jessica Clark-Bojin was kind enough to give Bored Panda a few great tips and tricks to help all of us out in the kitchen and prevent massive disasters from happening. "Kitchen 'mistakes' can range from the catastrophic, 'I forgot the pot roast in the oven and now the kitchen is on fire' to the more benign, 'I accidentally put paprika in the cookies instead of cinnamon', but in most instances, they stem from the same thing: distraction and a lack of preparation." Read on for her delicious insights into avoiding kitchen mistakes.
派艺术家、烘焙和烹饪专业人士杰西卡·克拉克-波金给Bored Panda网站提供了一些很棒的小窍门,帮助我们在厨房里工作,防止大灾难的发生。“厨房的‘错误’可以是灾难性的,‘我忘了烤箱里有炖肉,现在厨房着火了’,也可以是比较温和的,‘我不小心把辣椒粉放进了饼干里,而不是肉桂里’,但在大多数情况下,它们源于同一件事:分心和缺乏准备。”请继续阅读她关于避免厨房出错的见解。
图片来源:Akvile Petraityte