A movie is like McDonald’s: wherever in the world you might go, you’ll get the exact same cinematographic Big Mac. Right? Wrong! A fun fact is that some of your favorite animated movies sometimes get small localized changes made to certain scenes so that they fit into a particular country’s cultural context much better.
Bored Panda has collected some of the most intriguing changes to Disney and Pixar animations in other countries that you might not have known about for you to enjoy. Remember to upvote your fave changes by smacking that upvote button. And if you’ve got any hidden details, Easter eggs, and localized changes that you know about that we haven’t shown, share them with the rest of our dear Pandas in the comment section!
Bored Panda网站收集了一些其他国家的迪士尼和皮克斯动画中最有趣的变化,你可能不知道,来欣赏一下。记得点击“支持投票”按钮,给你喜欢的改变投票。如果你有任何隐藏的细节,复活节彩蛋和本地化的变化,你知道我们没有显示,可以在评论区与我们其他亲爱的熊猫们分享!
Yucky broccoli being changed to green peppers in the Japanese version of ‘Inside Out’ is just the tip of the cinematographic iceberg. (According to Pixar artist David Lally, Japan likes broccoli but hates green peppers; meanwhile, I like both and I like to think of myself as a picky audience member.)
#1 Zootopia: Different Newscasters
#2 Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear's Speech
#3 Coco: Title Change In Brazil
#4 Inside Out: Riley's Dad Daydreaming About Hockey vs. Soccer
#5 Inside Out: Riley Rejecting Broccoli vs. Green Peppers
#6 Moana: Released With A Different Title In Italy Due To A Controversial Adult Movie Actress With The Same Name
#7 Planes: Rochelle Changes Appearance Depending On Country
#8 Monsters University: Cupcakes For English vs. International Viewers
#9 Up: Paradise Falls vs. Hand Drawn Picture Of The Falls For Better Clarity
#10 Cars: Agent Harv Has A Different Accent Depending On Country
图片来源:Pixar Animation Studios