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    Wedding Photos Selected By FdB Awards


    Wedding photographers are working hard to create unique and lovely photos every day. Despite 2020 has been a hard year, they still manage to make their magic happen. I think Wedding Photography is not always valued as it should, and that's why I created a place where promote art and talent in this field.


    FdB is a platform promoting the best craft in wedding Photography. We run a contest each year, the FdB Awards (Premios FdB) and prizes as good as a Fujifilm XF100 camera for the winner!

    FdB是一个推广婚纱摄影最佳工艺的平台。我们每年举办一场比赛,FdB奖(Premios FdB)和奖品,优胜者可获得一台富士XF100相机!

    Some of the most talented wedding photographers in the world pick their favorite photos submitted to the FdB Awards. During 2020 some hilarious and incredible wedding photos have got recognition. This is a selection of 20 pictures that will surely make your day if you love weddings!












    图片来源:Marvin B.

    More info: fotografos-de-boda.net | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com

      上一篇:这个感恩节,让人痛苦的互相关联的表情包被嘲笑 下一篇:皮克斯和迪士尼在不同国家放映的电影中改变了一些小细节

