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    The Most Wholesome Rescue Pet Photos Of The Month (November Edition)


    There are a gazillion reasons to why adopting a pet is the best idea you can think of. Saving a life and giving a pet its second chance is one. Other benefits include fighting puppy mills, saving money, making yourself a better person, boosting your emotional (and physical) wellbeing, and earning the bragging rights we all secretly crave.


    But nobody knows it better than people who rescued an animal and adopted one. And this means, it’s that wholesome time of the month where Bored Panda has compiled the monthly post of the most soul-soothing pics of adopted furry friends. Let’s leave the stage to the goodest boys, bestest girls, tiny critters, and measureless love that connects us all.

    但没有人比拯救动物和收养动物的人更了解这一点。这就意味着,现在是一个月里最健康的时候了,Bored Panda网站每月都会发布一些最能抚慰心灵的毛茸茸的朋友们的照片。让我们把舞台让给那些最好的男孩,最好的女孩,小动物,还有把我们联系在一起的无限的爱。

    After you’re done, don’t forget to share your pet adoption stories in the comment section below and check out our previous posts from October, September, August, July, and June. Trust me, they will tuck you in like a much-needed warm blanket for these cold days.













      上一篇:仿冒品太丑了,他们在这个Insta账户上感到羞愧 下一篇:人们分享“曾经有过一次尝试”的经历,这里列出了最有趣的例子

