We all know very well that things in this world tend to backfire. Call it a law of nature, a frequent twist of fate. “Look who’s laughing now” is a phenomenon that has happened to virtually every one of us, and no matter what you do, it repeats again and again, and again.
The Reddit community “There Was An Attempt” is dedicated to precisely the comic absurdity of all the attempts in life that went against the plan, or turned in the wrong direction. Created in August 2015, the subreddit now has 1.9m members that are not immune to the funny attempts that “were there.”
Reddit社区“There Was a Attempt”就是专门用来描述生活中所有违背计划或误入歧途的尝试的荒谬可笑之处。创建于2015年8月的reddit现在有190万用户,他们对“曾经有过”的搞笑尝试都不能免疫。
“People enjoy the slapstick comedy of it. At the end of the day, everyone is laughing,” the subreddit’s moderator told Bored Panda in the interview that you can read in full below.
“人们喜欢其中的闹剧。在一天结束的时候,每个人都在笑,”reddit的主持人在采访中告诉Bored Panda,你可以在下面阅读全文。