Just like every nation has its own culture, traditions, and, ultimately, identity, it’s also natural to think that every nation also has its own personality and quirks when it comes to things that people do or believe in collectively as a nation.
Very Finnish Problems is one of many internet projects dedicated to celebrating cultural and national identity—the Finnish one, to be precise—whilst also having some fun with it in the form of memes.
And it’s not just an Instagram page, as there’s also a “branch” on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and it even has its own website. Heck, there’s even a book with the same theme by Joel Willans, the guy behind all of this.
它不只是一个Instagram页面,因为在Facebook、Twitter、YouTube上也有一个“分支”,甚至它有自己的网站。还有一本主题相同的书是Joel Willans写的,他是这一切的幕后人物。
Bored Panda has collected some of the best memes shared on the Very Finnish Problems Instagram about all of the very Finnish things that may or may not raise an eyebrow outside of Finland. And while you’re scrolling through the list, why not vote and comment on the entries you enjoyed or related to the most!
Bored Panda收集了一些在“芬兰问题”Instagram上分享的最好的表情包,这些表情包都是关于芬兰的事情,在芬兰以外的地方,这些事情可能会引起也可能不会引起注意。当你浏览列表的时候,为什么不投票和评论你最喜欢或最相关的条目呢?
图片来源:Very Finnish Problems