Taku Inoue的《猫和老鼠最不幸的时刻》雕塑
There are many, many cartoons out there and every generation had different ones they watched when they were little. But most of us probably remember Tom and Jerry. The expressive, fun, and simple cartoon has a special place in many hearts and is very nostalgic nowadays. The love-hate relationship between Tom and Jerry made a lot of us laugh, cry, or even get mad at some points. That's what made the cartoon so special—well, that and the amazing animation, drawings, and creativity of the creators.
A Japanese artist named Taku Inoue decided to create these Tom and Jerry-inspired sculptures of the most ridiculous and physics-defying moments from the cartoon. He creates small and intricate sculptures and perfectly recreates the expression and movement of the animated characters. They look almost identical. The artist started sharing his work in 2018, went viral, and has been featured on Bored Panda two times before (Part 1 and Part 2).
一位名叫Taku Inoue的日本艺术家决定创作以《汤姆和杰瑞》为灵感的雕塑,这些雕塑表现了漫画中最荒谬、最不顾身体的瞬间。他创造了小而复杂的雕塑,完美地再现了动画人物的表情和动作。它们看起来几乎一模一样。这位艺术家于2018年开始分享他的作品,并在网上疯传,之前曾两次出现在Bored Panda网站上(第一部分和第二部分)。
What do you think of these sculptures? Do you remember the episodes these scenes are from? Tell us in the comments and don't forget to like your favorite ones! Also, whose side were you on? Tom's or Jerry's?
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