Another month, another list of rescue pets. We at Bored Panda have made it our monthly tradition to visit the subreddit r/BeforeNAfterAdoption, and it's incredibly sweet to see that people continue to open their doors and hearts to neglected shelter animals that deserve a second chance at life.
又一个月,又一份救援宠物名单。我们Bored Panda网站的传统是每月访问reddit的r/领养前/领养后版块,看到人们继续向被忽视的收容所动物敞开他们的大门和心灵,这是非常甜蜜的,这些动物值得获得第二次生命。
Best Friends Animal Society estimates that 5.4 million cats and dogs entered US shelters in 2019 (52% of them were dogs and 48% were cats). 79% of these animals were saved. And while it breaks my heart that 625,000 cats and dogs were killed, we've come a long way since 2014, when as many as 4 million animals were killed in American shelters and the national save rate was just 50%.
Yes, we can and should do better. But these photos prove we're getting there!