What do significant others have in common with cats? Well, Sarah Graley could answer that they're endless material for her comics. And there are probably even more similarities, too... In any case, they're relatable from both ends, to those who enjoy the everyday things of meaningful relationships and to those who just love cats.
Sarah and Stef have had an awesome life together for about 10 years now, and they're engaged. What more could you need? Cats, perhaps? And cats they have, a fantastic four of them, even: Pesto and Toby, who are sisters that came in a litter in 2013, and Pixel with Wilson, who are Pesto's little babies from a litter of four cats, two of whom were taken by Sarah's relatives.
More info: Instagram | sarahgraley.mybigcommerce.com | Facebook | sarahgraley.com | oursuperadventure.com