One reason it is good to go to bed early is that generally speaking, you will get more sleep that way. Unsurprisingly, data from Sleep Cycle suggest that Americans who go to bed at 10:45 p.m. tend to get at least half an hour more sleep than Americans who go to bed at the average time of 11:39 p.m. By getting more sleep, you improve your cognitive functioning and reduce your risk of infections, obesity, depression, heart disease, and other health issues (per National Institutes of Health).
为什么早睡,一般来说,这样你会得到更多的睡眠。不出所料,睡眠周期(Sleep Cycle)的数据显示,晚上10点45分上床睡觉的美国人往往比平均晚上11点39分上床睡觉的美国人至少多睡半个小时。通过获得更多的睡眠,可以改善认知功能,降低感染、肥胖、抑郁、心脏病和其他健康问题的风险(来自美国国立卫生研究院)。
Of course, what qualifies as "early" will vary by age. Children need much more sleep than adults, so they will generally need to go to bed earlier. Dr. Brandon Peters suggests (via Verywell Health) that school-age children go to sleep between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., teenagers go to bed between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., and adults go to bed between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. That being said, having a specific bedtime is far less important than simply getting a good amount of shut-eye to begin with. If your schedule won't let you go to bed early, then just make sure you're getting enough sleep.
当然,什么是“早”会因年龄而异。儿童比成人需要更多的睡眠,所以他们通常需要早点上床睡觉。布兰登·彼得斯博士建议(Verywell Health)学龄儿童在晚上8点至9点睡觉,青少年在晚上9点至10点睡觉,成年人在晚上10点至11点睡觉。也就是说,特定的就寝时间远没有一开始就睡个好觉那么重要。如果你的时间表不允许你早睡,那就确保你有足够的睡眠。