题材选好后,依照计划加以整理,并跟朋友聊聊,进行演习——这样的准备还不能算充分。你还要让自己相信这个题材是有意义的,还必须有那种曾经激励过历史上伟人们的态度——坚信自己。怎样能让自己确信这一点呢?详细研究题材,抓住其更深层次的意义,告诉自己,你的演讲将帮助听众,使他们听过之后,成为更好的人。After you have selected your subject, arranged it according to plan, and rehearsed it by "talking it out" with your friends, your preparation is not ended. You must sell yourself on the importance of your subject. You must have the attitude that has inspired all the truly great personages of history-a belief in your cause. How do you fan the fifes of faith in your message? By exploring all phases of your subject, grasping its deeper meanings, and asking yourself how your talk will help the audience to be better people for having listened to you.