There was another problem: the explorers who had come before and discovered facts had at the same time laid down distinctions between what was significant and what was not, distinctions which had, over time, hardened into almost immutable truths about where value lay in Madrid. The Plaza de la Villa had one star, the Palacio Real two stars, the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales three stars and the Plaza de Oriente no stars at all.
The distinctions were not necessarily false, but their effect was pernicious. Where guidebooks praised a site, they pressured a visitor to match their authoritative enthusiasm, where they were silent, pleasure or interest seemed unwarranted. Long before entering the three-star Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, I knew the official enthusiasm that my response would have to accord with: 'The most beautiful convent in Spain. A grand staircase decorated with frescoes leads to the upper cloister gallery where each of the chapels is more sumptuous than its predecessor. ' The guidebook might have added 'and where there must be something wrong with the traveller who cannot agree '.
Humboldt did not suffer such intimidation. Few Europeans had crossed the regions through which he travelled and their absence offered him an imaginative freedom. He could unselfconsciously decide what interested him. He could create his own categories of value without either following or deliberately rebelling against the hierarchies of others. When he arrived at the San Fernando mission on the Rio Negro, he had the freedom to think that everything, or perhaps nothing, would be interesting. The needle of his curiosity followed its own magnetic north and, unsurprisingly to readers of his Journey , ended up pointing at plants. 'In San Fernando we were most struck by the pihiguado or pirijao plant, which gives the countryside its peculiar quality. Covered with thorns, its trunk reaches more than sixty feet high,' he reported at the top of his list of what was interesting in San Fernando. Next, Humboldt measured the temperature (very hot), then noted that the missionaries lived in attractive houses matted with liana and surrounded by gardens.
I tried to imagine an uninhibited guide to Madrid, how I might have ranked its sights according to a subjective hierarchy of interest. I had three-star levels of interest in the under-representation of vegetables in the Spanish diet (at the last proper meal I had eaten, only a few limp, bleached and apparently tinned asparagus had appeared between a succession of meat dishes) and in the long and noble-sounding surnames of ordinary citizens (the assistant in charge of organizing the conference had owned a train of surnames connected by de and la, an appellation which suggested an ancestral castle, faithful servants, an old well and a coat of arms, and contrasted with the reality of her life: a dust-coated SEAT Ibiza and a studio flat near the airport). I was interested in the smallness of male feet and in the attitude towards modern architecture evident in many newer districts of the city: specifically the way it appeared to be less important that a building was attractive than that it was obviously modern, even if this meant giving something a vile bronze façade (as though modernity were a longed-for good that one needed in extra-strong doses to compensate for an earlier lack). All of these would have appeared on my subjective list of interesting things in Madrid if my compass of curiosity had been allowed to settle according to its own logic-rather than being spun by the unexpectedly powerful forcefield of a small green object by the name of The Michelin Streetguide to Madrid , which pointed its needle resolutely towards, among other targets, a brown-looking staircase in the echoing corridors of the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales.