1.Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.
重点词语:skirt n.裙子;郊区 vi.绕行
商务用语:on the skirts of a city 在市郊
skirt around an awkward question 回避棘手的问题
2. Business is slow this season.
重点词语:slow adj.不活跃的,缓慢的 v.(~down)(使)慢下来,减缓 adv.缓慢
商务用语:slow asset 呆滞资产
slow at account 不善于算账
3.He's a smart businessman.
重点词语:smart adj.巧妙的;聪明的;敏捷的 adv.灵巧地;精确地
商务用语:smart card 智能卡
smart money 罚款;抚恤金;因掌握内情而下的赌注
a smart price 挺贵的价格
4.The new office building is a very solid construction.
重点词语:solid adj.结实的;殷实的 n.固体
商务用语:a solid business firm 殷实的商号
5.I would as soon stay at home.
重点词语:soon adv.立刻,不久
商务用语:none too soon 在恰到好处的时候
sooner or later(=soon or late) 迟早,早晚