1.Advertising is one of the biggest business in America.
重点词语:advertising n.①广告业 ②做广告 adj.广告的,与广告有关的
商务用语:point-of-purchase advertising 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志
price advertising 价格广告
advertising expense 广告费
institutional advertising 建立永久声誉的广告
2.The agenda will be sent out in advance of the meeting.
重点词语:agenda n.议事日程
商务用语:place/put something on the agenda 把某事提到日程上来
approved agenda 审定议程(最后通过的会议议程)
provisional agenda 临时议程
3.My agent has power to sign my name.
重点词语:agent n.①代理人,代理机构 ②经纪人
商务用语:a travel agent 旅行代理商
an insurance agent 代理保险商
universal agent 商业全权代理人
4.The supermarket chain has signed an agreement with a Japanese trading company.
重点词语:agreement n.①协定,协议 ②契约
商务用语:come to an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见
reach/make an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见
by agreement 同意,依约
enter into/conclude an agreement 符合…,照…;同意;(和)…一致
5.That space has been allocated for a new business center.
重点词语:allocate v.分配,配给
商务用语:allocate shares 分配股份
allocate rations for a week-long business trip 分配一星期外出商务旅行的定额