1.We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto themarket first.
重点词语:anticipate v.①预订 ②占先,抢先 ③预支,提前使用 ④期待
商务用语:anticipate one's income预支收入
ardently anticipate 殷切地期望
confidently anticipate 满怀信心地期望
2.Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?
重点词语:appeal n.吸引力
商务用语:snob appeal商品对势力顾客的吸引力(如高档,稀奇或进口商品)
eye-catching appeal 具有动人的吸引力(指封面设计,推广资料等)
make anappeal to somebody 引起某人兴趣
3.She applies all her money to hermortgage.
重点词语:apply v.①申请,请求 ②应用,运用
商务用语:be applied to 适用于,与…接触
apply for申请,请求;接洽
apply something to 把…施于…;把…运用于…
apply to 向…询问,向…接洽
4.Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry ofForeign Trade.
重点词语:applicant n.①申请人 ②(保险的)投保人
商务用语:loan applicant 申请借款人
patentapplicant 专利申请人
job applicant 求职人员
an applicant for a position 求职者
5.The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs butgot nothing.
重点词语:application n.①申请 ②实施 ③申请书
商务用语:application form 申请表
a jobapplication 求职书
on application to 向…函索,索取;申请
credit application信用证申请书来