1.The contract was awarded to a consortium of construction and electrical generator companies.
重点词语:consortium n.①财团 ②银行团
商务用语:banking consortium 银行(财)团
consortium of underwriters 证券承受财团
the Channel Tunnel consortium 英吉利海峡隧道财团
2.They work for the construction industry.
重点词语:construction n.建造,构筑,建设(爱思英语!)
商务用语:the construction industry 建筑业
under construction 在建设中
3.The consultant committee met at the call of the chairman.
重点词语:consultant n.咨询人员,顾问(提供专业意见或服务,收取费用)
商务用语:a business consultant 业务顾问
a financial consultant 金融顾问
a management consultant 管理顾问
4.Consumers have the right to return faulty goods and demand a refund from the supplier.
重点词语:consumer n.消费者
商务用语:consumer goods 消费品
consumer durables 耐用消费品(如汽车、家具、冰箱、洗衣机、电视等)
consumer protection 消费保护
5.We must always be prepared for every contingency.
重点词语:contingency n.意外事件
商务用语:assessments contingency 资产估价中的意外损失
claims contingency 产权要求中的意外损益
expropriation contingency 紧急征用