1.The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.
重点词语:dispose v.处理(事务),安排,部署;(常与to连用)有…倾向;有意于
商务用语:dispose property 处理财产
dispose of 解决,卖掉
2.In the co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
重点词语:distribution n.①分配 ②配给物 ③销售
商务用语:the distribution of profits 利润的分配
car distribution 车辆支配,配车
cost distribution 成本分配
frozen-in distribution 固定分布
3.His brother works in the foreign division of the company.
重点词语:division n.部门
商务用语:division of labour 分工
the sales division of a company 公司销售部
account division 财务司
accounting division 会计部门
4. Stock prices were down today.
重点词语:down adv. 付现金 adj.①现付的 ②首批付款的 ③下行的
商务用语:down payment 预付定金
down-market 低档商品的
down-time/downtime 设备闲置期
5.Our thanks are due to him.
重点词语:due n.应得物,权利 [pl.]应付款 adj.应得的,应付的,(车、船预定)应到的
商务用语:due reward 应得的报酬
harbor dues 港口税) a long due promotion 盼望已久的提升
due course of application 正当的申请手续