1.The project was abandoned for want of funds.
重点词语:fund n.①资金,基金 ②[pl.]钱,现款 v.支助,投资
商务用语:a fund of information 很多资料
a relief fund 救济基金来源:www.examda.com
a pension fund 退休基金
public welfare fund 公益金
2.There's no future in trying to sell furs in a hot country.
重点词语:future n.未来,将来,前途,远景 adj.未来的,将来的
商务用语:a business with no future 无前景的工厂
3.There are wide gaps in my knowledge of business.
重点词语:gap n.缺口,差距,隔阂
商务用语:a gap between revenue and spending 收入和消费之间的差距
the budget gap 预算困难
credibility gap 信用差距(指政府领导人的言行不一)
the gap between imports and exports 进出口的差额
4.We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them.
重点词语:go v.趋于,达到;求助于;出产;被卖掉 n.去,进行
商务用语:go belly up 彻底经济破产
go bust 经受财政崩溃来源:考试大
going cheap 卖得便宜
go for a job 求职
5.What is the going price of farmland in Japan?
重点词语:going n.①离去 ②工作情况 ③[pl.]行为 adj.①进行中的 ②流行的 ③现存的
商务用语:a going concern 营业中的商行
a going business 事业发达;开业的商店
the going prices 时价
the going rate 现行