1.The lessee can be evicted for non-payment of rent.
重点词语:lessee n.承租人,租户,租用人
商务用语:perpetual lessee 永久承租
2.He has some leverage over the company's policy.
重点词语:leverage n.①杠杆比率,杠杆作用 ②影响
商务用语:optimum leverage 最佳资本结构
commercial leverage 商业上的调节手段
3.The company has accepted the liability for the damage to the cargo.
重点词语:liability n.①责任 ②负责,债务
商务用语:hold no liability for damages 不负赔偿责任
contingent liability 临时负债,有负债
accrued liabilities 应计负债,应付未付款
non-current liabilities 流动负债
4.The restaurant lost the licence to sell wine and spirits.
重点词语:licence (=license) n.许可证 v.①认可,批准 ②发给执照
商务用语:a driving licence 驾驶执照
business licence 营业执照
distribution licence 配给执照
import/export licence 进出口许可证
5.I'll very likely be at home all day.
重点词语:likely adj.①可能(发生)②真的 adv.大概,或许
商务用语:as likely as not 多半,说不定,可能
Not likely! [口]不可能!才不呢!(强调否认或拒绝)
It is likely that... 很可能
相关专题: 商务英语专题