How to Enjoy the Classics
Steve Allen
史蒂夫·艾伦(Steve Allen,1921—2000),多才多艺的美国艺人,不仅在电视节目和电影中演出、主持喜剧节目,还拥有作家、钢琴家、作曲家等多重身份。他先是作为客串主持人在一些娱乐节目中登场,后来开设了自己的脱口秀栏目。他热爱书籍和音乐,录制过多张爵士乐专辑,并获得了1963年格莱美“最佳爵士原创歌曲”奖。他一生出版过50多本书,可谓著作等身。
In school we learn one of the most amazing and difficult feats man has ever accomplished—how to read—and at the same time we learn to hate to read the things worth reading most!
It's happened to us all—with assignment reading! It happened to me. The teacher assigned Moby Dick. I didn't want to read it. So I fought it. I disliked it. I thought I won.
But I lost. My struggle to keep at arm's length from Moby Dick cost me all the good things that can come from learning to come to terms with those special few books we call the “classics.”
I've come back to Moby Dick on my own since. I like it. And I've discovered a new level of pleasure from it with each reading.
What is a classic?
A classic is a book that gives you that exhilarating feeling, if only for a moment, that you've finally uncovered part of the meaning of life.
A classic is a book that's stood the test of time, a book that men and women all over the world keep reaching for throughout the ages for its special enlightenment.
Not many books can survive such a test. Considering all the volumes that have been produced since man first put chisel to stone, classics account for an infinitesimal share of the total—less than 0.001 percent. That's just a few thousand books. Of those, under 100 make up the solid core.
Why should you tackle the classics? Why try to enjoy them? I suggest three good reasons:
1.Classics open up your mind.
2.Classics help you grow.
3.Classics help you understand your life, your world, yourself.
That last one is the big one. A classic can give you insights into yourself that you will get nowhere else. Sure, you can get pleasure out of almost any book. But a classic, once you penetrate it, lifts you up high! Aeschylus's Oresteia was written nearly 2,500 years ago—and it still knocks me out! But I can hear you saying, “I've tried reading classics. They are hard to understand. I can't get into them.”
Let me offer some suggestions that will help you open up this wondrous world. Pick up a classic you've always promised to try. Then take Dr. Allen's advice.
Know what you're reading
Is it a novel, drama, biography, history? To find out, check the table of contents, read the book cover, the preface, or look up the title or author in The Reader's Encyclopedia.
Don't read in bed
Classics can be tough going; I'll admit it. You need to be alert, with your senses sharp. When you read in bed you're courting sleep—and you'll blame it on the book when you start nodding off.
Don't let a lot of characters throw you
Dostoevsky tosses fifty major characters at you in The Brothers Karamazov. In the very first chapter of War and Peace, Tolstoy bombards you with twenty-two names—long, complicated ones like Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Anatole and Prince Bolkonski. Don't scurry for cover. Stick with it. The characters will gradually sort themselves out and you'll feel as comfortable with them as you do with your own dear friends who were strangers, too, when you met them.
Give the author a chance
Don't say “I don't get it!”too soon. Keep reading right to the end. Sometimes, though, you may not be ready for the book you're trying to get into. I tackled Plato's Republic three times before it finally opened up to me. And man, was it worth it! So if you really can't make a go of the book in your lap, put it aside for another day, or year, and take on another one.
Read in big bites
Don't read in short nibbles. How can you expect to get your head into anything that way? The longer you stay with it, the more you get into the rhythm and mood—and the more pleasure you get from it.
Read what the author read
To better understand where the author is coming from, as we say, read the books he once read and that impressed him. Shakespeare, for example, dipped into North's translation of Plutarch's Lives for the plots of Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra and A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's fun to know you're reading what he read.
Read about the author's time
You are the product of your time. Any author is the product of his time. Knowing the history of that time, the problems that he and others faced, their attitudes—will help you understand the author's point of view. Important point: You may not agree with the author. No problem. At least he's made you think!
Read about the author's life
The more you know about an author's own experiences, the more you'll understand why he wrote what he wrote. You'll begin to see the autobiographical odds and ends that are hidden in his work. A writer can't help but reveal himself. Most of our surmises about Shakespeare's life come from clues found in his plays.
Read the book again
All classics bear rereading. If after you finish the book you're intrigued but still confused, reread it then and there. It'll open up some more to you.
If you did read a classic a few years back and loved it, read it again. The book will have so many new things to say to you, you'll hardly believe it's the same one.
A few classics to enjoy
You can find excellent lists of the basic classics compiled by helpful experts, like Clifton Fadiman's Lifetime Reading Plan, the Harvard Classics and Mortimer J. Adler's Great Books. Look into them.
But before you do, I'd like to suggest a few classics that can light up your life. Even though some might have been spoiled for you by the required reading stigma, try them. Try them. And try them.
1.Homer: Iliad and Odyssey. The Adam and Eve of Western literature. Read a good recent translation. My favorite is by Robert Fitzgerald.
2.Rabelais: Gargantua and Pantagruel. A Gargantuan romp. I recommend the Samuel Putnam translation.
3.Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury Tales. Thirty folks on a four-day pilgrimage swapping whoppers. Don't be surprised if the people you meet here are like people you know in your life.
4.Cervantes: Don Quixote. The first modern novel, about the lovable old Don with his “impossible dream.”How could you go through life without reading it once?
5.Shakespeare: Plays. Shakespeare turned out 37 plays. Some are flops, some make him the greatest writer ever. All offer gold. His best: Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. (See them on the stage, too.)
6.Charles Dickens: Pickwick Papers. No one can breathe life into characters the way Dickens can. Especially the inimitable Samuel Pickwick, Esq.
7.Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn. Maybe you had to read this in school. Well, climb back on that raft with Huck and Jim. You'll find new meaning this time.
Of course, these few suggestions hardly scratch the surface.
Don't just dip your toe into the deep waters of the classics. Plunge in! Like generations of bright human beings before you, you'll find yourself invigorated to the marrow by thoughts and observations of the most gifted writers in history. You still enjoy looking at classic paintings. You enjoy hearing musical classics. Good books will hold you, too.
Someone has said the classics are the diary of man. Open up the diary. Read about yourself —and understand yourself.
你可以找到专家开列的精彩“经典基础阅读”书单,比如克里夫顿·费迪曼的《一生的读书计划》《哈佛经典》和莫蒂默·J. 阿德勒的《伟大著作》。浏览一下这些书吧。
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Steve Allen 史蒂夫·艾伦
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4.托马斯·诺斯(Thomas North,1535—1604),英国翻译家,普鲁塔克作品的英语译者。
5.罗伯特·菲茨杰尔德(Robert Fitzgerald,1910—1985),美国诗人、翻译家,以古希腊和拉丁文翻译著称。
6.萨穆埃尔·帕特南(Samuel Putnam,1892—1950),美国翻译家,最有名的译著是《堂吉诃德》英译本。