The Aporia of Reading
Joseph Hillis Miller
约瑟夫·希利斯·米勒(Joseph Hillis Miller,1928—),美国著名文学评论家,也是欧美文学及比较文学研究的杰出学者。他毕业于哈佛大学,曾任教于霍普金斯大学、耶鲁大学,现为加州大学欧文分校的英语和比较文学教授。他的著作包括《理论今昔》(Theory Now and Then)、《阅读的伦理》(The Ethics of Reading)等。米勒曾在中国发表演讲,讲稿汇编为《土著与数码冲浪者——米勒中国演讲集》(The Indigene and the Cybersurfer)。
本文节选自2002年出版的《文学死了吗?》(On Literature)。在本文中,作者提出了两种大相径庭的阅读方式,表示“去神秘化”可能使文学走向消亡。与此同时,米勒也承认文学具有神奇的魔力,让人们前赴后继、身陷其中。
The two ways of reading I am advocating, the innocent way and the demystified way, go counter to one another. Each prevents the other from working—hence the aporia of reading. Combining these two modes of reading in one act of reading is difficult, perhaps impossible, since each inhibits and forbids the other. How can you give yourself wholeheartedly to a literary work, let the work do its work, and at the same time distance yourself from it, regard it with suspicion, and take it apart to see what makes it tick? How can one read allegro and at the same time lento, combining the two tempos in an impossible dance of reading that is fast and slow at once?
Why, in any case, would anyone want to deprive literature of its amazing power to open alternative worlds, innumerable virtual realities? It seems like a nasty and destructive thing to do. This chapter you are now reading, alas, is an exemplification of this destructiveness. Even in its celebration of literature's magic, it suspends that magic by bringing it into the open.
Two motives may be identified for this effort of demystification. One is the way literary study, for the most part institutionalized in schools and universities, to a lesser degree in journalism, is part of the general penchant of our culture toward getting knowledge for its own sake. Western universities are dedicated to finding out the truth about everything, as in the motto of Harvard University: “Veritas.”This includes the truth about literature. In my own case, a vocation for literary study was a displacement of a vocation for science. I shifted from physics to literature in the middle of my undergraduate study. My motive was a quasi-scientific curiosity about what seemed to me at that point (and still does) the radical strangeness of literary works, their difference from one another and from ordinary everyday uses of language. What in the world, I asked myself, could have led Tennyson, presumably a sane man, to use language in such an exceedingly peculiar way? Why did he do that? What conceivable use did such language use have when it was written, or could it have today? I wanted, and still want, to account for literature in the same way as physicists want to account for anomalous “signals”coming from around a black hole or from a quasar. I am still trying, and still puzzled.
The other motive is apotropaic. This is a noble or ignoble motive, depending on how you look at it. People have a healthy fear of the power literary works have to instill what may be dangerous or unjust assumptions about race, gender, or class. Both cultural studies and rhetorical reading, the latter especially in its “deconstructive”mode, have this hygienic or defensive purpose. By the time a rhetorical reading, or a “slow reading,”has shown the mechanism by which literary magic works, that magic no longer works. It is seen as a kind of hocus-pocus. By the time a feminist reading of Paradise Lost has been performed, Milton's sexist assumptions (“Hee for God only, shee for God in him”) have been shown for what they are. The poem, however, has also lost its marvelous ability to present to the reader an imaginary Eden inhabited by two beautiful and eroticized people: “So hand in hand they passed, the loveliest pair / That ever since in loves embraces met.”The demystified reader may also have been reminded by the implacable critic that this Edenic vision is presented through the eyes of a resentful and envious witness, Satan. “O Hell!”says Satan, “what do mine eyes with grief behold!”
Milton's Satan might be called the prototypical demystifier, or suspicious reader, the critic as sceptic or disbeliever. Or the prototype of the modern critical reader might be Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was trained as a professor of ancient rhetoric. His The Genealogy of Morals, along with much other writing by him, is a work of cultural criticism before the fact. In a famous statement in On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense, Nietzsche defines truth, “veritas,”not as a statement or representation of things as they are, but as a tropological fabrication, in short, as literature. “Truth,”says Nietzsche, “is a mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, and anthropomorphisms.”
No doubt about it, these two forms of critical reading, rhetorical reading and cultural studies, have contributed to the death of literature.