"What pirate story?"
"You know, there's that character who's always reading a comic book about pirates, the story within the story, the pirate story."
Park tried to get her to talk about Watchmen; they'd just read the fourth chapter. "What do you think of the pirate story?" he asked.
"I don't know," Park said. "Probably not."
He could tell Eleanor was nervous on the bus. She was quiet, and she kept running her bottom lip through her teeth, making it go white, so that you could see that her lips had freckles, too.
# Park #
His mother sighed.
He called his mom during lunch to tell her that Eleanor was coming over. His counselor let him use her phone. (Mrs Dunne loved the opportunity to be good in a crisis, so all Park had to do was imply that it was an emergency.)
"I'm nice to everybody," his mom said. "You know that."
"I just wanted to tell you that Eleanor is coming over after school," he told his mom. "Dad said it was all right."
"You have to be nice to her, you know."
"Fine," his mother said, not even pretending that she was okay with it. "Is she staying for dinner?"