# Eleanor #
# Park #
It was ridiculous.
When he saw Eleanor walking toward him on Monday morning, Park wanted to run to her and sweep her up in his arms. Like some guy in the soap operas his mom watched. He hung onto his backpack to hold himself back…
# Eleanor #
Eleanor's eyelashes were the same color as her freckles.
When she saw Park standing at the bus stop on Monday morning, she started giggling. Seriously, giggling like a cartoon character… when their cheeks get all red, and little hearts start popping out of their ears…
It was kind of wonderful.
Maybe that's why Park kept laughing, even when they were talking about 'Helter Skelter' -- which wasn't the Beatles' funniest song, even before Charles Manson got a hold of it.
帕克不断笑着,虽然他们聊的是《旋转滑梯》,这首在杀人魔查尔斯·曼森(85)迷上之前都称不上有趣的歌。【注:(85)《旋转滑梯》(Helter Skelter),是披头士《白色专辑》里的歌曲,杀人魔曼森(Charles Manson)相信这首歌的意思是世界将掀起种族战争,而他将是这场战争的发动者,唯有信他者才得生存。曼森与他的信徒(曼森家族)一共谋杀了七个人,受害者包括导演波兰斯基已怀有身孕的妻子。】
# Park #
They talked about The White Album on the way to school, but just as an excuse to stare at each other's mouths. You'd think they were lip-reading.
去学校的路上,他们讨论《白色专辑》(84),那不过是借口,让他们可以看着彼此的嘴巴。在外人看来,他们似乎在读唇语。【注:(84)《白色专辑》(White Album),披头士的经典专辑。】
Park was just her height, but he seemed taller.
# Eleanor #