外观设计 design; industrial design
完全行为能力 perfect capacity for act
完整性保持权 right to maintain integrity
晚婚 late marriage
万民法 jus gentium
违法行为 illegal act; unlawful act
违法行为 unlawful act
违约金 liquidated damages
伪造 forge
委托代理 agency by mandate
委托代理人 agent by mandate
慰问金 consolation money
无偿民事法律行为 civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award
无效婚姻 void marriage
无效行为 ineffective act
无行为能力 incapacity for act
无因管理 voluntary service
无责任行为 irresponsible right
无主物 bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods
物的担保 security for thing
物的瑕疵担保 warranty against defect of a thing
物权分类 classification of right in rem/real right
物上请求权 right of claim for real thing
误传 misrepresentation