第四部分 励志美文
60. 逆境造天才
Adversity Makes a Genius
61. 生活在于奉献
Giving Away
62. 厕所——学习的新去处
Studying Stinks
63. 比尔?盖茨的崛起
The Rise of Bill Gates
64. 登山励志
Why I Climb
65. 钉子与篱笆
The Nails and the Fence
66. 小号手的成功之路
The Man with the Horn
67. 战斗到底
Fight to the End
68. 让失败变为成功之母
Keep Your Direction
69. 如何成为优等生
Adam Ezra Cohen—Westinghouse Winner
70. 自由诚可贵
71. 态度决定一切
Attitude Can Cure Pain
72. 偶像的意义
Success Is a Choice—Learn from Role Models
73. 论学习
Of Studies
74. 积极面对你的人生
Facing Your Life Actively
75. 何不放松一下自己
Give Yourself a Break
76. 幸福是什么
What Is Happiness
77. 我有一个梦想
I Have a Dream
78. 热爱你的生活
Love Your Life
79. 让生活随心
Living from Your Heart
80. 超越卓越的你
Make Yourself Excellent
81. 优雅的举止让你充满魅力
Gracious Manner Makes You Charmful
82. 谁说婚姻是爱情的坟墓
Turns out That Marriage Isnt All That Bad
83. 谁是英雄
Whats a Hero
84. 刮骨疗伤
Scrape the Poison off the Bone
85. 桃李不言,下自成蹊
Peaches and Plums Do Not Have to Talk, Yet the World Beats a
Path to Them—Natural Attraction
86. 他嘴里的甲虫
Beetle in His Mouth
87. 砖和房子的故事
Brick and House Story
88. 乔治?华盛顿和他的斧子
George Washington and His Hatchet
89. 诚实正直的林肯
Honest Abe
90. 苏格拉底和他的房子
Socrates and His House
91. 超级明星汤姆?汉克斯
Super Star: Tom Hanks
92. 不同寻常的回音
Unusual Echoes
93. 爱因斯坦和刮胡膏
Einstein and Shaving Cream
94. 丘吉尔的广播演讲
Broadcasting Speech of Churchill
95. 他的司机替他做了报告
His Driver Gave the Lecture for Him
96. 他怎样处理他的钱财呢
What Did He Do with His Money
97. 用镜头记录百姓疾苦的人
The Work of Gordon Parks