One of the key moments in the development of migration theory came in 1822, when a white stork was shot in Germany. This particular stork made history because of the long spear in its neck, which incredibly had not killed it. Everyone immediately realized this spear was definitely not European; it turned out to be a spear from a tribe in Central Africa.
This was a truly defining moment in the history of ornithology, because it was the first evidence that storks spend their winters in sub-Saharan Africa. You can still see the arrow stalk in the zoological collection of the University of Rostock in Germany. People gradually became aware that European birds moved south in autumn and north in summer, but didn't know much about it until the practice of catching birds and putting rings on their legs became established.
Before this, very little information was available about the actual destinations of particular species and how they traveled there. People speculated that larger birds provided a kind of taxi service for smaller birds, by carrying them on their backs. This idea came about because it seemed impossible that small birds weighing only a few grams could fly over vast oceans.
This idea was supported by observations of bird behavior, such as the harassment of larger birds by smaller birds. The development of bird ringing by a Danish schoolteacher, Hans Christian Cornelius Mortensen, made many discoveries possible. This is still common practice today and relies upon what is known as recovery – this is when ringed birds are found dead in the place they have migrated to and identified.
这个想法得到了鸟类行为观察的支持,例如小鸟骚扰大鸟。丹麦教师 Hans Christian Cornelius Mortensen 发明了鸟类环志,使许多发现成为可能。这在今天仍然是常见的做法,依赖于所谓的恢复——即在它们迁徙到的地方发现被环志的鸟死亡并被确认身份。
Huge amounts of data were gathered in the early part of the 20th century, and for the first time in history, people understood where birds actually went to in winter. In 1931, an atlas was published showing where the most common species of European birds migrated to.
20 世纪初期收集了大量数据,人们有史以来第一次了解了鸟类在冬天实际上去了哪里。1931年,出版了一本地图集,展示了最常见的欧洲鸟类迁徙到哪里。