英语晨读精华 Week 4 Day 5 The Fox and the Rooster 狐狸和雄鸡
教程:英语晨读精华  浏览:5373  
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    The Fox and The Rooster



    Once there was a fox sneaked into a farm and grabbed a prize rooster.

    The farmer saw him and raised the alarm to his dogs, and they started chasing the thief. The fox, though he was holding the rooster in his mouth, was running very fast.  

    “Get him! Get him!” shouted the farmer to his dogs. 

    “No!” suddenly screamed the rooster. “Don’t come near me!” 

    “My master was very cruel to me,” explained the rooster to the fox.

    “Tell him to stay away from me.”  

    The fox was delighted. “He wants you to stay away from him!” he shouted at the farmer, in the process releasing his hold on the rooster.  

    The rooster flew up into a tree and stayed there till he was rescued by his master.  

    Think twice before you open your mouth to speak. 

    sneak: to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way 溜 
    rooster: cock 雄禽,公鸡 
    grab: to take or grasp suddenly 夺取,抓住 
    rescue: to set free, as from danger 救出 

      上一篇:英语晨读精华 Week 4 Day 4 Learn Constantly 不断学习 下一篇:英语晨读精华 Week 4 Day 6 Do You Fear the Wind 你可害怕风

