1 What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?
A United States of America
B United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
C New Zealand
D Canada
2 The national anthem of Canada is ____
A Canada The Beautiful
B O Canada
C God Defend Canada
D Advance Canada Fair
3 The capital city of Canada is ____
A Montreal
B Toronto
C Albert
D Ottawa
4 According to the Official Language of Act of Canada, there are two official language in this country: they are____
A English and Spanish
B English and Portuguese
C English and French
D English and Celtic
5Canada is a world ____producer of nickel, zinc, and asbestos……
A primary
B second
C third
D fourth
6 The highest peak in Canada is ____, which is the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada.
A. Mount Lawrence
B. Mount Superior
C. Mount Logan
D Mount Huron
7 St. Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both ____
A. America and Mexico
B. America and Canada
C. America and Cuba
D. America and Brazil
8 Apart from Paris, France, Montreal is regarded as the largest____city in the world, known as “Paris the Second”.
A. Spanish-speaking
B. Portuguese-speaking
C. German-speaking
D. French-speaking
9____, the third largest city in Canada, is well known as Ice-Free Harbor.
A. Montreal
B. Quebec
C. Toronto
D. Vancouver
10.Canada is the world’s ____country in terms of land area.
A. largest
B. second largest
C. third largest
D. fourth largest
1.D 加拿大国树为枫树,期国徽和国旗上都有枫叶的图案,因此长期以来枫叶被视作加拿大的象征。
2.B 加拿大国歌是《啊!加拿大》。
4.C 1867年的《不列颠北美法案》将英法两种语言定为加拿大联邦政府和魁北克省社会公共机构的官方语言。1968年的《官方语言法案》规定英语和法语均为加拿大官方语言。
5.A 加拿大是世界锌和石棉的第一大生产国,钾碱产量居世界第二,黄金产量居第三,铜产量位居第四。
6.C 加拿大最高峰为洛根峰,海拔6050米。
7.B 美加边境有两条国际河流,一条是哥伦比亚河,另一条是圣劳伦斯河。
8.D 蒙特利尔的法裔加拿大占全市人口的三分之二,是除了法国巴黎以外世界上最大的法语城市,素有“小巴黎”之称。
10.B 加拿大位于美国以北,是世界上仅次于俄国的第二大国家。