1、The leading ___ state in the United States is Wisconsin.
A wheat
B rice
C dairy
D maize
2、The city of ___, which was formerly known as Port Jackson, is the place of the earliest colonial settlement in Australia.
A Melbourne
B Sydney
C Perth
D Darwin
3、According to statistics, ___ employer in Australia is the manufacturing industry.
A the fourth largest
B the third largest
C the second largest
D the largest
4、The most important economic activity in Canada is ___.
A mining
B fishing
C farming
D manufacturing
5、 Wordsworth’s poetry, divided by the subjects, falls into two major groups: one about ___ and the other about ___..
A nature, human life
B society, human nature
C human life, social system
D universe, human spirit
6、The reading of the first chapter of the novel Pride and Prejudice has led the reader to the understanding of Mrs. Bennet as a woman of ___.
A simple character and mean understanding
B intricate character and short temper
C simple character and good education
D intricate character and outstanding talent
7、As a romantic poet, William Wordsworth advocated the following EXCEPT ___.
A the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
B the use of colloquialism spoken by the masses
C elegant wordings and inflated figures of speech
D the humble and rustic life as subject matter
8、The study of language acquisition is generally known as ___.
A theoretical linguistics
B psycholinguistics
C applied linguistics
D historical linguistics
9、The history of English is usually divided into ___ major periods.
A three
B four
C five
D two
10、The morpheme “scope” in the common word “telescope” is a(n) ___.
A bound morpheme
B bound form
C inflectional morpheme
D free morpheme
1. 选C。威斯康辛是美国乳品加工业大州。本题属于发展现状类问题。
2. 选B。曾冠名为杰克逊港的悉尼是澳大利亚最早殖民居住地所在。本题属于历史类问题。
3. 选B。据统计,澳大利亚第三大类雇主也为生产制造业。本题属于发展现状类问题。
4. 选D。在加拿大,最重要的经济活动是生产制造。本题属于发展现状类问题。
5. 选A。华兹华斯的诗歌按主题可分为两大类:一类是关于大自然的;另一类是关于人类生活的。本题属于英国文学类问题。
6. 选A。读完小说《傲慢与偏见》的第一章节,读者就会明白贝内特夫人是一个性格简理解力差的女人。。本题属于英国文学类问题。
7. 选C。车了不主张使用华丽辞藻和夸张比喻之外,浪漫派诗人威廉.华兹华斯赞同下列诸观点。
8. 选C。这道题考查考生对二语习得研究范畴的了解。
9. 选A。英语语言的发展历史一般分为三个阶段:古英语阶段、中世纪英语阶段和现代英语阶段。