莱曼比彻(Lyman Beecher,1775-1863年),是一位美国牧师和禁酒运动领导人。他是最主要的传道人之一和内战前的信仰复兴运动者。比彻出生在康涅狄格州的纽黑文,毕业于耶鲁大学。他在1799-1810年间任长岛东汉普顿基督教长老会牧师,1810-26年间为康涅狄格州利奇费尔德公理教会牧师。
1826年,比彻成为波士顿汉诺瓦街公理教会牧师。在这里,他护卫正统基督教,反对一神论,批评罗马天主教。1832年,他作为雷恩神学院院长、神学教授去往俄亥俄州的辛辛那提。1850年莱曼 比彻退休。
Lyman Beecher (October 12, 1775 January 10, 1863) was a Presbyterian minister, (AmericanTemperance Society) co-founder[1] and leader, and the father of 13 children, many of whom werenoted leaders, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Ward Beecher, Charles Beecher, EdwardBeecher, Isabella Beecher Hooker, and Catharine Beecher. He is credited as a leader of the SecondGreat Awakening of the United States.
Born: 12-Oct-1775
Birthplace: New Haven, CT
Died: 10-Jan-1865
Location of death: Brooklyn, NY
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, CT
Gender: Male
Religion: Presbyterian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Religion
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: American Presbyterian preacher
American clergyman, born at New Haven, Connecticut, on the 12th of October 1775. He was adescendant of one of the founders of the New Haven colony, worked as a boy in an uncle'sblacksmith shop and on his farm, and in 1797 graduated from Yale, having studied theology underTimothy Dwight. He preached in the Presbyterian church at East Hampton, Long Island (1798-1810, being ordained in 1799); in the Congregational church at Litchfield, Connecticut (1810-26),in the Hanover Street church of Boston (1826-32), and in the Second Presbyterian church ofCincinnati, Ohio (1833-43); was president of the newly established Lane Theological Seminary atWalnut Hills, Cincinnati, and was professor of didactic and polemic theology there (1832-50), beingprofessor emeritus until his death. At Litchfield and in Boston he was a prominent opponent of thegrowing heresy of Unitarianism, though as early as 1836 he was accused of being a moderateCalvinist and was tried for heresy, but was acquitted. Upon his resignation from Lane TheologicalSeminary he lived in Boston for a short time, devoting himself to literature; but he broke down,and the last ten years of his life were spent at the home of his son, Henry Ward Beecher, inBrooklyn, New York, where he died on the 10th of January 1863. Magnetic in personality, incisiveand powerful in manner of expression, he was in his prime one of the most eloquent of Americanpulpit orators. In 1806 he preached a widely circulated sermon on duelling, and about 1814 aseries of six sermons on intemperance, which were reprinted frequently and greatly aidedtemperance reform. Thrice married, he had a large family, his seven sons becoming Congregationalclergymen, and his daughters, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Catherine Esther Beecher, attainingliterary distinction.
Wife: Roxana Foote Beecher
Son: Henry Ward Beecher
Daughter: Catherine Esther Beecher (educator, b. 1800, d. 1878)
Son: Edward Beecher (b. 1803, d. 1895)
Son: Charles Beecher (b. 1815, d. 1900)
Son: Thomas Kinnicutt Beecher (b. 1824, d. 1900)
Daughter: Harriet Beecher Stowe (author)
University: Yale University (1797)
Administrator: President, Lane Theological Seminary
Professor: Theology, Lane Theological Seminary (1832-50)
Heresy 1836 (acquitted)
Author of books:
A Plea for the West (1835)
Views in Theology (1836)
Collected Works (1852, works, 3 vols.)
Autobiography and Correspondence (1863-64, 2 vols.)