冷珠(铸疵) cold shot
冷界;流界(铸疵) cold shut
常温试验 cold test
冷加工;冷作 cold work
冷加工;冷作 cold working
常温自硬性合成树脂 cold-hardening synthetic resin
常温自硬性黏结剂 cold-setting binder
崩散 collapse
崩散性 collapsibility
金属心型(压铸) collapsible core(die cast)
带缘导销 collared pin
收集眝仓 collecting bunker
集尘效率 collection efficiency
胶质 colloid
胶质黏土 colloidal clay
胶质石墨 colloidal graphite
胶质物 colloidal material
胶质物 colloids
比色高温计 color comparator pyrometer
比色温度 color temperature
比色计 colorimeter
比色定量分析 colorimetric analysis
比色定量学 colorimetry
钶(Cb),铌(Nb) columbium(niob)
柱 column
柱状结晶 columnar crystal
柱状组织 columnar structure
化合碳 combined carbon
结晶水 combined water
燃烧 combustion
燃烧分析 combustion analysis
燃烧装置 combustion apparatus
燃烧带;燃烧区 combustion area(combustion zone)
燃烧瓷舟 combustion boat
燃烧室 combustion chamber
燃烧效率 combustion efficiency
燃烧炉 combustion furnace
燃烧气体 combustion gas
燃烧损耗 combustion loss
燃烧比 combustion ratio
商品级 commercial grade
普通砖 common brick
普通碳 common carbon
普通石墨 common graphite
压实性 compactability
压实指数 compactability index
圆规 compasses
补偿导线 compensation lead
完全冷激 complete chill
完全燃烧 complete combustion
完整模型 complete pattern
复合涂膜 complex coating
复合接种剂 complex inoculant
熟黏土砂 compo
组成物 component
复合铸造 composite casting
组合构造 composite construction
组合模型 composite pattern
复合辊 composite roll
复合形砂 compound sand
压缩空气 compressed air
压缩空气缸 compressed air cylinder
空气鎚 compressed air hammer
压缩空气软管 compressed air hose
压缩空气喷砂机 compressed air sand blaster
气动工具 compressed air tool
压缩性 compressibility
抗压试验 compression test
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗压应力 compressive stress
压缩机 compressor
粗砂锥辗矽砂 concial sand from coarse sand
均冷圈 condensing rings
传导度 conductivity
风化石锥辗矽砂 conical sand from stone
接电负载 connected load
叠边浇道 Connor runner bar
致密度 consistency
均品质 consistent quality
镍铜热电偶合金 constantan
组织成分 constituent
组织;组成 constitution
组成图 constitutional diagram
组成楔值 constitutional wedge value
收缩 constriction
熔入型模(感应电炉) consumable former
容器 container
含黏土份 containing clay
含量 content
连续退火炉 continuous annealing furnace
连续铸造材料 continuous cast materials
连续铸造 continuous casting
连续输送机 continuous conveyor
连续作业炉 continuous furnace
连续操作 continuous handling
连续熔解 continuous melting
连续操作 continuous operation
连续式托板输模系统 continuous pallet conveyor system
连续混砂机 continuous sand mill
连续砂处理厂 continuous sand plant
连续乾燥炉 continuous stove
连续出铁 continuous tapping
顺形心型撑,顺型砂心撑 contoured chaplet
顺形压挤板(造模机) contoured squeeze plate
收缩,缩水 contraction
收缩裕度 contraction allowance
缩裂(铸疵) contraction crack
收缩变形 contraction distortion
铸尺 contraction rule
控制 control
控制箱;控制盘 control cabinet(control panel)
管制图表 control chart
控制机构 control gear
控制限度 control limits
控制台 control platform
控制系统 control system
可控变值 controllable variable
控制蒙气 controlled atmosphere
控制冷却 controlled cooling
控制淬火 controlled quenching
调节设备 controlling means
对流 convection
习用潜变限度 conventional creep limit
转换 conversion
转炉 converter
转炉炉衬 converter lining
转炉钢 converter steel
输送机 conveyor
输送线 conveyor line
连续式托板输模系统 conveyor syste
冷却器 cooler
冷裂;缩裂(铸疵) cooling crack
冷却曲线 cooling curve
1.防裂片 2.散热片 cooling fin
冷却率 cooling rate
冷却速率 cooling speed
冷却应力 cooling stress
1.上模 2.上砂箱;上模箱 cope
上砂箱;上模箱 cope box
上模合模机 cope closing machine
上砂箱;上模箱 cope flask
上模板 cope plate
铜(Cu) copper
1.心 2.心型 3.砂心 core
砂心组合夹具 core assembling fixture
砂心组合夹具 core assembling jig
砂心组合 core assembly
心骨 core bar
心骨管 core barrel
心座 core bedding frame
砂心黏结剂 core binder
砂心吹疵(铸疵) core blow
砂心吹制机 core blower
砂心吹制机 core blowing machine
砂心制造法 core bonding system
1.砂心盒 2.心型盒 core box
吹制用砂心盒 core box for blowing
砂心盒通气孔 core box vent
碎心机 core breaker
碎心鎚 core buster
砂心托架 core carrier
砂心托板 core carrier plate
砂心夹 core clamper
砂心涂料 core coating
砂心崩散性 core collapsibility
砂心黏结剂 core compound
砂心摇台 core cradle
砂心硬化烘炉 core curing oven
1.心型移装 2.砂心移装 core draw-back
1.砂心涂料 2.砂心整修 core dressing
砂心托板(烘乾) core drier
砂心乾燥 core drying
砂心乾燥炉 core drying oven
砂心填料 core filler
砂心固定 core fixing
砂心框 core frame
砂心式进模口 core gate
心骨 core grid
心骨模 core grid mold
砂心磨床 core grinder
砂心胶 core gum
砂心硬度 core hardness
砂心固定安全装置 core interlocking safety device
心骨 core iron
心骨模型 core iron printer
砂心工模 core jig
砂心清砂机 core knockout-machine
砂心机 core machine
砂心工 core maker
砂心机 core making machine
砂心板 core making plate
砂心记号 core mark
砂心机 core molding machine
砂心泥 core mud
砂心油 core oil
砂心乾燥炉 core oven
砂心胶合剂 core paste
砂心板 core plate
1.砂心端承 2.砂心头 core print
心型拔出装置(压铸) core pull assembly
砂心上浮(铸疵) core raise
砂心耐火度 core refractoriness
心骨 core rod
心骨切断器 core rod cutter
心骨矫直器 core rod straightner
砂心间 core room
心砂 core sand
心砂混合机 core sand mixer
砂心装置 core setting
砂心装置夹具 core setting fixture
砂心装置工模 core setting jig
砂心偏移(铸疵) core shift
砂心吹射机 core shooter
砂心吹射 core shooting
砂心工场 core shop
心型滑板(压铸) core slide
砍心吹射及硬化机 core sooting and curing machine
心骨轴 core spindle
砂心喷涂器 core sprayer
砂心乾燥炉 core stove
过滤用砂心 core strainer
砂心平刮板 core strickle
砂心模板 core template(core templet)
砂心搬运车 core truck
砂心车床 core turning lathe
砂心翻转提升机 core turn-over and lifting machine
砂心通气孔 core vent
砂心通气蜡条 core vent wax
砂心涂浆 core wash
坩埚式感应电炉 coreless induction furnace
结晶偏析 coring
装砂心 coring up
修角刀 corner tool
腐蚀 corrosion
腐蚀脆化 corrosion embrittlement
耐蚀性 corrosion resistance
刚玉 corundum
成本 cost
棉织滤尘袋 cotton bag
可换风口 coupled tuyeres
联结砂心端承 coupling print
试样胚 coupon
定模(压铸) cover die
覆盖加热 cover heating
附盖茶壶式浇桶 covered tea pot ladle
覆盖熔剂 covering flux
克朗宁造模法(壳模法) C-process
绞盘车 crab
裂痕(铸疵) crack
裂痕浸渗试验 crack impregnation test
裂痕扩散 crack propagation
裂痕试验 crack test
增压砂心 cracker core
防裂筋 cracking strip
摇台 cradle
夹器;钳 cramp
起重机;吊车 crane
吊车浇桶 crane ladle
烧裂(铸疵) crazing
皱痕面(铸疵) creasy surface
潜变 creep
潜变限度 creep limit
临界点 critical point
临界凝固率 critical solidification rate
临界温度 critical temperature
克朗宁造模法(壳模法) Croning process(C-process)
砂箱隔条 cross bar
横流道 cross gate
1.十字接头 2.错合(铸疵) cross joint
横断面 cross section
坩埚 crucible
坩埚炉 crucible furnace
坩埚吊钳 crucible lifter
坩埚浇铸装置 crucible pouring device
坩埚法 crucible process
坩埚钢 crucible steel
坩埚钳 crucible tongs
坩埚涂浆 crucible wash
炉池 crucible zone(well)
原油 crude oil
原砂;原产矽砂 crude sand
1.压坏(砂模) 2.粉碎 crush
砂心压坏 crush of core
砂模压坏 crush of mold
密合用砂模突条 crush strip(crush bead)
压碎机 crusher
合模面边角压坏 crushes of parting edge
合模面压坏 crushes of parting surface
冰晶石 cryolite
晶体 crystal
晶粒 crystal grain
晶粒成长 crystal grain-growth
晶格;结晶格子 crystal lattice
晶格参数 crystal lattice parameters
晶体石英粉 crystal quartz flour
晶体石英砂 crystal quartz sand
结晶破坏 crystalline fracture
结晶 crystallization
熔铁炉;冲天炉 cupola (cupola furnace)
熔铁炉鼓风机 cupola blower
熔铁炉炉体 cupola body
熔铁炉炉砖 cupola brick
熔铁炉加料 cupola charge
熔铁炉加料机 cupola charging machine
熔铁炉控制设备 cupola control equipment
落炉;下炉 cupola drop
熔铁炉集尘器 cupola dust arrester
熔铁炉;冲天炉 cupola furnace(cupola)
熔铁炉点火器 cupola lighter
熔铁炉衬 cupola lining
熔铁炉展性铸铁 cupola malleable iron
熔铁炉出铁槽 cupola runner trough
熔铁炉体 cupola shaft
熔铁炉炉壳 cupola shell
熔铁炉火星罩 cupola spark arrester
熔铁炉烟囱 cupola stack
熔铁炉捣衬 cupola stamping lining
熔铁炉工 cupola tender
熔铁炉点火器 cupola torch
铅铜 cupro-lead
锰铜 cupro-managanese
铜基合金 cupro-metal
镍铜合金 cupro-nickel
硬化(壳模) curing
硬化时间 curing time
减震砧台式摇震造模机 cushioned anvil-type jolter
缓冲剂 cushioning
缓冲效果 cushioning effect
冲砂(铸疵) cut
松砂 cut sand
钢线粒 cut wire shot
切断机 cut-off machine
冲砂(铸疵) cuts
冲砂(铸疵) cuts and washed
可截割性(氧乙炔) cuttability
切断机 cutter
1.切断用砂轮 2.轮刀 cutting wheel
氰化处理 cyaniding
旋风集尘器 cyclone dust collector(cyclon)
旋风净尘器 cyclone scrubber dust collector
桧木 cypress