A:Let me tell you some more. The interest is settled on the 20th of the last month in each quarter, It's paid quarterly. Of course it also needs to be settled if you cancel the account.
B:Xiao Ping, in your opinion,should we go for the Type A or Type B Account?
A:Well, the Type B Account is very restricted. If your aim is to use the account the same way as your use your Settlement Account, I would recommend the Type A Account for you.
嗯,B类账户限制太多。如果您的目的是像使用结算账户一样地使用 协议账户,我推荐您开A类账户。
B:Thanks for your time. I'll go and discuss everything with my partner and I'll be back later.
不好意思打扰你这么久,谢谢。我这就回去和我的合伙人商量一下, 过会儿回来。