常用财经词汇表:M, m
marginal tax band 边际税阶
marginal tax rate 边际税率
marine insurance 海上保险
marine risk 水险;海险
market 市场;股市
market disruption 市场干扰
market economy 市场经济
market efficiency 市场效率
market forces 市场力量
market on close[MOC]按收市盘
market order 市价盘;市价订单
market participant 市场人士
market practitioner 市场从业员
market premium 市场溢价
market price 市价;市场价格
market rate of discount 市场贴现率
market rate of interest 市场利率
market rent 市值租金;市面租金
market value 市值
market value adjustment 市值调整
match an order 对单;对盘
matching 对销;相配;对盘
matching grant 半费资助;等额津贴
material risk 重大风险
mathematical reserve 数理储备金
median return 中位回报
meeting of creditors 债权人会议
member firm 会员商号
miscellaneous expenses 杂项支出
miscellaneous fees 杂项费用
miscellaneous income 杂项收入
miscellaneous services 杂项服务
mismatch 错配
monetary assets 货币资产
Monetary Authority 金融管理局
monetary base 货币基础
monetary discipline 货币秩序
monetary sector 金融界;金融体系
monetary situation 货币情况
monetary unit 货币单位
monetary value 币值
monetization 货币化;币值化
monetized value 货币化价值
money 货币;款项;金钱
money broker 货币经纪
money changer 货币兑换商
money flow 货币流量
money for order 汇款单
money stock 货币存量
money supply 货币供应量
money wage 货币工资
money wage rate 货币工资率
Money World Asia Exhibition, Hong
Kong 香港货币及投资汇展
money's worth 金钱等值
monitoring procedure 监察程序
monopoly 垄断;独营权
monthly balance 月结
mortgage 按揭;抵押
mortgage arrangement 按揭贷款安排
mortgage debenture stock 抵押债权股证
mortgage deed 按揭贷款契据;抵押契据
motor vehicle insurance business 汽车保险业务
motor vehicle tax 车辆税
movable property 动产
move within a narrow range 窄幅上落
movement 流动;变动;趋势
movement of market rent 市值租金的变动
moving average 移动平均数
multi-currency trading 多元货币买卖
multilateral agency 多边机构;多边代理机构
mutual dealing 相互交易
mutual debt 相互债项
mutual fund 互惠基金
mutual fund corporation 互惠基金法团;互惠基金公司