A:Hey, Mr Brown. How are you? Look at that smile on your face!嘿,Brown先生。您好吗?看您这一脸的笑容!
B:Recently it's been pretty good, actually.实际上,最近还真是不错。
A:That's what we like to hear, a profitable business.这正是我们想听到的,一门好生意。
B:Well, yes. Thanks, there's no trouble at the moment.嗯,是的。谢谢,目前是一帆风顺呐。
A:So, what can I do for you today? Are you needing to withdraw or transfer?那么,我今天有什么可以帮您的?您需要提款还是转账?
B:I'm going to need a Deposit Certification, to handle the affairs related to home.我得需要一个存款证明,用来处理一些事情,与我的老家有关。
A:Oh, domestic things? Yes of course,we can help you with that.哦,处理您的国内事务?当然可以,我们可以帮您办理。