常用财经词汇表:I, i
illegal loan 不合法贷款
immovable property 不动产
immunity 豁免权;免除责任
implied indemnity 隐含弥偿
import and export trade 进出口贸易
import demand 进口需求
import duty 进口税
import price 进口价格
imposition of tax 课税;征税
improper investment 不当投资
imputed cost 推算成本;设算成本
imputed price 估算价格
in absolute terms 按绝对价值计算
in custody of firm 商号保管
in debt 负债
in denomination of……以……为单位
in money terms 按货币计算
in net terms 按净额计算
in nominal terms 按名义价值计算
in real terms 按实值计算
in relative terms 按相对价值计算
in value terms 按价值计算
inactive warrant 不活跃认股权证
inchoate instrument 不完整的票据
incidence of taxation 纳税负担
incidental expenses 杂项开支
incidental outlay 附带开支
income 入息;收入;收益
income approach 入息计算法
income band 入息组别
income group 入息组别
income level 入息水平
income limit 入息限额
income payment 收益付款
income spectrum 入息组别
income tax 入息税;所得税
income threshold 入息限额
incomplete return 未填妥的报税表
incorporated accountant 注册会计师
incorporation 注册成立
incremental value 增值;递增价值
incumbrance 产权负担
indebtedness 负债;债项;负债额
indemnify 弥偿
indemnity 弥偿;弥偿保证
indemnity clause 弥偿损失条款
indent 委托采购单;代购订单
indenture 双联契约
independent audit 独立审计
index bond 指数债券
index futures 指数期货;期指
index futures contract 指数期货合约
interest 利息;权益;利益
interest arbitrage 利息套汇
interest charges 利息收费
interest coupon 利息券;息票
interest expenses 利息支出
interest in contract 合约权益
interest in expectancy 预期权益
interest in securities 证券权益
interest in shares 股份权益
interest income 利息收入
interest on loan 贷款利息
interest paid in advance 预付利息
interest rate effect 利率效应
interest rate futures 利率期货
interest rate margin 利率差距
interest rate swap 利率掉期
interest rate trend 利率走势
interest spread 利率差距
interest tax 利息税
interest-bearing account 有息账户
interest-bearing balance 有息结余
interest-free 无息的;免息的
interest-free loan 免息贷款
inter-exchange dealing 越所买卖
interim allowance 临时津贴
interim certificate 中期证明书
interim deed 临时契约
interim dividend 中期股息
interim receiver 临时接管人
interim valuation 临时估价
intervention 干预