常用财经词汇表:S, s
safe custody business 保管业务
safe custody fee 保管费
salary 薪金;薪俸
salary adjustment 薪金调整
salary earner 受薪人士
salary rate index 薪金率指数
sales account 销货账
sales commission 销售佣金
sales counter 销售柜台
sales price index 销售价格指数
sales tax 销售税
sampling frame 抽样范围
sampling theory 抽样理论
sanction 认许;制裁
savings rate 储蓄率;储蓄存款利率
scale of brokerages 经纪佣金收费表
scale of fees 收费率;收费表
schedule of charges 费用表
schedule of dealing 交易清单
schedule of property 财产清单
schedule of proportion 比例表
Schedule of Rates 标准收费表
scrip 临时股票
scrip dividend 以股代息
seasonal adjustment 季节性调整
seasonal deficit 季节性赤字
sector 界别;行业;机构
sectorial index 分类指数
secular trend 长期趋势
secure 担保;抵押
secured bond 有担保债券
secured creditor 有抵押债权人
secured loan 担保贷款;有抵押贷款
securing debenture 担保债权证
securities 证券