【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-13
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-13的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!

    2021年4月13日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on April 13, 2021

    总台央视记者:11日,美国国务卿布林肯接受采访称,中方在新冠肺炎疫情初期有些事该做却未做,比如没有第一时间允许国际专家来华,没有及时分享信息,没有真正做到公开透明。中方对此有何评论? CCTV: On April 11, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview that in the early stages of COVID-19, China "didn't do what it needed to do, which was to, in real time, give access to international experts, in real time to share information, in real time to provide real transparency". What is your comment on his remarks?  赵立坚:面对未知的病毒和突如其来的疫情,中国政府坚持人民至上、生命至上,采取了最硬核的防控措施,毫无保留地与各国分享防控诊疗经验,为世界守住了疫情防控的关键防线,为各国争取了应对疫情的宝贵时间。中国抗疫努力概括起来是四个词:公开、透明、科学、负责。反观美方呢?概括起来也是四个词:甩锅、推责、污名化、政治化。美方某些人一提起疫情就拿中国说事儿,这种做法极不道德,极不负责。中方绝不接受。  Zhao Lijian: In the face of the sudden onslaught of the epidemic caused by an unknown virus, the Chinese government, putting people and life first, took the most rigorous control measures and shared our experience with other countries without any reservation. China served as a crucial line of defense for the world and bought precious time for the global fight against the virus. The four keywords for China's response are openness, transparency, science and responsibility. What about the US? Its moves can be summarized as scapegoating, blame-shifting, stigmatization and politicization. It is immoral and irresponsible that some in the US always make an issue out of China whenever the topic of COVID-19 is brought up. China will never accept that. 
    中方自去年1月3日起就定期向世界卫生组织及时主动通报疫情信息。1月4日,中国疾控中心负责人与美国疾控中心负责人通话并介绍疫情有关情况。世卫组织专家已三次来华,同中方就包括溯源研究在内的相关议题沟通交流,对中方的开放和透明均给予积极评价。装睡的人始终叫不醒。美方一些人在意的并非事实和真相,而是借疫情搞政治操弄,对中方搞污名化。国际社会对此看得清清楚楚。 Since January 3, China has been providing timely updates on the epidemic on a regular basis. On January 4, heads of Chinese and American centers for disease control and prevention spoke on the phone about the epidemic situation. WHO experts visited China three times for exchanges on issues including origin studies. The experts spoke highly of China's openness and transparency. One can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Some in the US don't care about facts or truth. What they are pursuing is political manipulation and stigmatization against China. The international community sees through this crystal-clear. 
    我想问问美方,美国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例超过3000万,死亡病例超过56万,分别是中国的300倍和110多倍。美国死亡病例人数已经超过在一战、二战、朝鲜战争、越南战争中美军死亡的人数总和。美国疫情应对可以说是一塌糊涂,惨痛失败。相比而言,中国抗击疫情取得了重大战略成果。我不知道美方个别政客从哪里来的底气和颜面来标榜美式人权,来批评中国的疫情应对。 In the US, there are over 30 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and 560,000 deaths, which are 300 times and over 110 times that of China respectively. The number of people who died of COVID-19 in the US already exceeds the deaths of the US military in WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. The US response to the epidemic is nothing short of a mess and total failure. In contrast, China secured major strategic outcomes in fighting the virus. I wonder where certain US politicians got the confidence to brazenly brag about US-style human rights and criticize China's epidemic response? 
    我还想问问美方,他们对疫情“吹哨人”朱海伦医生、布莱特博士、克罗泽尔舰长做了什么?对新泽西州贝尔维市市长、加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县卫生官员有关疫情时间线前移的线索作何回应?对国际社会高度关注的德特里克堡种种疑点作何解释?打算何时邀请世卫组织专家去美国开展溯源调查?美方该如何处理这些“该做却未做的事”、该回答还没有回答的问题?请美方回答。 I also want to ask the US: What has it done to whistle-blowers like Dr. Helen Y. Chu, Dr. Rick Bright and Captain Brett Crozier? How does it respond to clues that may move the timeline earlier provided by the mayor of Belleville in New Jersey and health officials of Santa Clara County in California? Is there any explanation on doubts raised by the international community about Fort Detrick? When will the US invite WHO experts to do origin-tracing investigations in the US? Will the US do "what it needs to do" and take questions that it needs to answer? It's time for the US to give an answer. 


    湖北广电记者:昨天,外交部为湖北举办了全球特别推介活动,这场推介活动是至今出席外国使节及代表最多、规模最大的一次。你如何评价这次推介活动?下一步外交部还将为湖北走向世界提供什么助力?  HRTN: The foreign ministry held a special promotion event for Hubei Province yesterday, the largest of its kind with the most foreign envoys and representatives in attendance. How do you comment on the event and what does the foreign ministry plan to do in order to help the province further go global?  赵立坚:湖北全球特别推介活动是新冠肺炎疫情发生以来外交部举办的首场省区市全球推介活动,122位驻华大使和临时代办出席了昨天的活动,活动取得了圆满成功。  Zhao Lijian: The Special Promotion Event for Hubei Province is the first such event the foreign ministry has held since the outbreak of the epidemic. It was attended by 122 ambassadors or charges d'affaires ad interim in China. 
    此次推介活动向世界全面展示在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,英雄的湖北和武汉人民为中国战胜疫情付出的巨大牺牲,为全球抗击疫情作出的重要贡献。这次活动也呈现了湖北从推动疫后复苏到实现经济社会稳定发展,从高质量打赢脱贫攻坚战到决胜全面建成小康社会取得的主要成果。推介活动还展现了中国与各国携手最终战胜疫情、推动世界经济复苏、打造人类命运共同体的坚定信念。 The promotion event shows the world that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the heroic people in Wuhan and Hubei have made enormous sacrifices for a national victory over COVID-19 and contributed significantly to the global COVID-19 response. It presents the achievements Hubei has made from realizing post-COVID recovery to achieving steady socioeconomic development, and from effectively tackling poverty to securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The event demonstrates China's firm commitment to joining hands with other countries to defeat COVID-19, boost world economic recovery and build a community with a shared future for mankind.
    出席活动的驻华使节纷纷对湖北和武汉抗击疫情和经济重振取得的成果表示热烈祝贺,高度赞赏“人民至上,生命至上”理念和“一方有难,八方支援”精神,希望进一步深化与湖北和武汉在经贸、科技、教育、人文等领域的交流与合作。 Diplomatic envoys attending the event extended warm congratulations on what Hubei and Wuhan have achieved in anti-epidemic response and economic recovery. They highly commended the philosophy of putting people's life front and center and everybody lending a helping hand in times of difficulty, and expressed the hope to further deepen exchanges and cooperation with Hubei and Wuhan in areas of economy, trade, science and technology, education, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
    作为湖北全球特别推介活动后续,外交部还将组织驻华使节团、外国媒体记者团赴湖北考察和采访,进一步加深国际社会对湖北和武汉的了解,挖掘合作机遇、拓展合作空间,为湖北开放发展搭建平台。 As a follow-up to the special promotion event, the foreign ministry will invite diplomatic missions and foreign correspondents in China to visit Hubei and conduct interviews, so as to further deepen the international community's understanding of Hubei and Wuhan, tap into opportunities for cooperation, and offer a platform for further opening-up and development of Hubei.


    《环球时报》记者:我们注意到有媒体报道,中国疾控中心主任高福10日在全国疫苗与健康大会上称,中国疫苗防护率不是很高,应该考虑多种技术路线疫苗序贯交替接种。你对此有何评论? Global Times: It is reported that Gao Fu, Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the National Vaccines and Health Conference that Chinese vaccines don't have very high rates of protection, adding that we should consider using different vaccines from different technical lines of the immunization process. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到中国疾控中心主任高福已就此作出回应,指出有关媒体报道“完全是误解”。疫苗是用来抗击疫情、拯救生命的。有关媒体的报道应秉持科学、客观的态度,不能为了博取眼球,更不能断章取义,甚至故意曲解。否则将严重误导民众,付出生命的代价。 Zhao Lijian: We noticed that Director-General Gao Fu of China CDC has already made responses to this, saying that relevant media reports are a complete misunderstanding. Vaccines should be used to fight the virus and save lives. When conducting reports, media organizations should follow a science-based and objective approach, rather than taking words out of context or even intentionally distort people's remarks just to attract attention. Otherwise, they risk seriously misleading the public and even costing lives.


    深圳卫视记者:加拿大政府网站日前更新赴华旅行提醒,增加涉新疆地区安全风险内容,称中国政府在新疆地区通过“不正当程序”拘押少数族裔和穆斯林,已有加公民的中国籍亲属遭拘押,加公民赴疆可能面临被任意拘押的风险。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: The website of the Government of Canada updated its travel advice for China, adding security risk content in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It claims that Chinese authorities are detaining ethnic and Muslim minorities in the region without due process and that some Canadian citizens'  family members with Chinese citizenship have been detained. It warns Canadian citizens that they may be at risk of arbitrary detention if they travel to Xinjiang. Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:加拿大方面有关旅行提醒毫无根据。  Zhao Lijian: The Canadian travel advice is groundless.
    我们已经多次批驳美西方国家一些机构和人员凭空捏造的涉疆谎言。当前,新疆社会和谐稳定,经济持续发展,人民生活显著改善,各族人民充分享有生存权、发展权等各项权利。 We've refuted time and again the lies on Xinjiang fabricated by some institutions and individuals in the US and other Western countries. At present, Xinjiang enjoys social harmony and stability, sustained economic development and notably improved living standards. People of all ethnic groups enjoy fully their rights including the right to subsistence and the right to development. 
    中国是法治国家,严格依法办事。任何在华外国公民,包括加拿大公民,只要遵纪守法,就完全没有必要担心。近年来,新疆接待的中外游客数量连破纪录,其中2019年超过2亿人次。我们欢迎更多外国人士到新疆去走一走、看一看,了解新疆的真实情况。在事实和真相面前,任何谎言和虚假信息都将不攻自破。 China is a country with rule of law where everything is handled in strict accordance with law. Foreign citizens in China, including Canadian nationals, have absolutely nothing to worry as long as they abide by laws and regulations. In recent years, Xinjiang has set new records in the number of domestic and international tourists it has received. In 2019, over 200 million visits were paid to the region. We hope more people from foreign countries will go to Xinjiang and see the true picture there. When confronted with facts and truth, lies and disinformation will crumble by themselves.


    法新社记者:据报道,有黑客从俄罗斯和中国对法国的网课平台发起攻击,导致网课平台在上周法国实施新一轮全国性防疫封锁伊始即发生瘫痪。中方是否注意到该情况?对此有何评论?  AFP: According to a report, hackers operating in Russia and China targeted France's homeschooling platform last week at the start of a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19. Is China aware of this incident? Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到相关报道。中方一贯反对任何形式的网络攻击。网络溯源问题技术上非常复杂,攻击来源国常常不是攻击发起国。我们注意到报道中也提到,并不完全确定是中方发起的攻击。如果法方需要进行相关调查并提供相关数据,中方愿在平等互利的基础上与法方合作,共同应对网络黑客威胁。

    Zhao Lijian: We note relevant reports. China stands against all forms of cyber attacks. The tracing of cyber attacks is a highly complicated technical matter. More often than not, the source of attack is not where the attack is initiated. We've noted that the report says it's not entirely certain that China initiated the attack. If the French side needs to conduct an investigation and provide relevant data, the Chinese side stands ready to cooperate with it on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, so as to jointly deal with the threat posed by hackers.


    总台国广记者:据报道,4月8日,土耳其伊斯坦布尔第二十九重刑法院就中方要求引渡“东突”涉恐嫌犯亚甫泉一案作出判决,决定拒绝中方提出的引渡请求,同时解除对亚甫泉的司法管控措施和出境限制。中方对此有何评论?将如何应对? CRI: On April 8, the 29th Heavy Penal Court in Istanbul rejected China's request to extradite Abduqadir Yapchan, a criminal suspect of ETIM terrorist activities. The court also lifted judicial control and travel restrictions on him. Do you have any comment? How will the Chinese side respond to that?
    Zhao Lijian: The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is a terrorist organization listed by the UN Security Council and is recognized as such by Turkey. Abduqadir Yapchan is a founder of the ETIM and masterminded multiple violent terrorist activities in China, and the evidence is irrefutable. China deplores and rejects the court verdict, urge the relevant Turkish side to see the violent terrorist nature of Abduqadir Yapchan as it is, reverse its wrong verdict, lest the case should have a severe negative impact on China-Turkey relations.


    日本共同社记者:据报道,美国气候变化事务特使克里即将来华,同中方气候变化事务特别代表解振华会面。请问克里何时来华?双方具体的议题是什么?美方已邀请习近平主席出席4月22日召开的全球气候变化峰会,请问习主席会出席吗? Kyodo News: US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry is reported to be travelling to China soon for a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua. When is the visit and what are items on agenda? The US has invited President Xi Jinping to attend the global climate change summit on April 22. Will President Xi attend the event? 赵立坚:关于你提到的两个问题,我目前没有可以向你提供的信息。 Zhao Lijian: On your two questions, I have nothing to offer at this moment.


    《北京日报》记者:近日,英国政府宣布拨款4300万英镑,资助循英国国民(海外)护照(BNO)签证路径移居英国的香港家庭解决就业、住房、子女入学等问题。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: The British government has recently announced a £43 million package to support Hong Kong families following the BNO visa route to settle in the country by helping with employment, housing and children's education. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到相关消息。中方已就有关问题多次充分阐明立场。英方反复炒作、搞政治操弄是伪善的,也注定是徒劳的。 Zhao Lijian: We noticed the announcement. China has elaborated on its position many times. The UK side's move to repeatedly hype up the issue and seek political manipulation is hypocritical and doomed to fail.


    新华社记者:4月11日,吉尔吉斯斯坦举行新宪法全民公投,初步结果显示投票率超过30%法律门槛,此次公投有效,其中近八成选民投票赞成。中方对此有何评论?  Xinhua News Agency: According to preliminary results, the turnout of the referendum on new constitution in Kyrgyzstan on April 11 is above the 30 percent threshold required to make the referendum valid. Nearly 80 percent of the voters voted in favor of the new constitution. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:中吉两国是友好邻邦和全面战略伙伴。我们对吉尔吉斯斯坦顺利举行新宪法全民公投表示祝贺。中方一贯尊重吉尔吉斯斯坦人民根据本国国情选择的发展道路,反对任何外部势力以任何理由干涉吉尔吉斯斯坦内政。 Zhao Lijian: China and Kyrgyzstan are friendly neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners. We congratulate Kyrgyzstan on the smooth process of the referendum on the new constitution. China always respects the development path chosen by the Kyrgyz people in light of their national conditions and opposes interference by any external forces in Kyrgyzstan's internal affairs under any pretext.
    作为好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴,中方真诚希望吉尔吉斯斯坦实现稳定和发展。相信在扎帕罗夫总统的领导下,吉尔吉斯斯坦人民一定能够在国家建设和民族振兴事业中取得新的成就。中方愿同吉方一道,进一步巩固政治互信,深化共建“一带一路”合作,推动中吉全面战略伙伴关系取得更大成果,造福两国人民。 As a good neighbor, friend and partner, China sincerely hopes that Kyrgyzstan can achieve stability and development. We believe that under the leadership of President Sadyr Japarov, the Kyrgyz people will surely score new achievements in national development and rejuvenation. China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to further consolidate political mutual trust, deepen BRI cooperation and strive for greater outcomes in our comprehensive strategic partnership for the benefit of the two peoples.


    彭博社记者:菲律宾外交部官员本周一会见了中国驻菲大使,对中国船只在牛轭礁的存在表达不满。此外,菲律宾已部属更多船只在南海巡逻。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines on Monday to express displeasure on the presence of Chinese vessels near Whitsun Reef. In addition, the Philippines has deployed extra patrol vessels to the South China Sea. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 赵立坚:中方在南海问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。中方坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益,愿同菲方通过友好协商妥处有关争议,共同维护南海地区和平与稳定。 Zhao Lijian: China's position on the South China Sea issue is consistent and clear. China firmly safeguards its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. We stand ready to properly resolve the relevant dispute with the Philippines through friendly consultations and jointly uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea.
    我们注意到杜特尔特总统近日表示,菲方将继续通过外交渠道和平解决有关问题。王毅国务委员兼外长日前在接待洛钦外长访华时也同他就妥处有关争议达成共识。希望菲方个别官员停止炒作,避免对两国关系和南海和平稳定大局造成负面影响。 We have noticed that President Duterte recently said that the Philippines will continue to resolve the issue peacefully through diplomatic channel. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reached consensus with Foreign Secretary Locsin on the proper settlement of the relevant dispute during the latter's visit to China recently. We hope certain Philippine officials can stop hying up the issue and avoid producing a negative impact on bilateral relations and peace and stability in the South China Sea.


    总台央广记者:日本政府今日正式决定以海洋排放方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水。我们注意到,此前中方已两次发声,对此表达关切。请问中方对日方的正式决定有何评论? CNR: The Japanese government today formally decided to discharge nuclear wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant accident into the sea. We know China has expressed concern in two statements. I wonder if you have a comment on the formal decision by the Japanese side? 赵立坚:4月13日,日本政府决定以海洋排放方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水。作为日本近邻和利益攸关方,中方对此表示严重关切。  Zhao Lijian: On April 13, the Japanese government decided to dispose of the nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant accident by discharging it into the sea. As a close neighbor and stakeholder, the Chinese side expresses grave concern over this.
    福岛核事故是迄今全球发生的最严重核事故之一,造成大量放射性物质泄漏,对海洋环境、食品安全和人类健康产生了深远影响。日方在没有穷尽安全处置手段的情况下,不顾国内外质疑和反对,未经与周边国家和国际社会充分协商,单方面决定以排海方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水,这种做法极其不负责任,将严重损害国际公共健康安全和周边国家人民切身利益。 The Fukushima nuclear accident is one of the most serious in world history. The leak of large amounts of radioactive materials has had far-reaching implications on the marine environment, food safety and human health. Despite doubts and opposition from home and abroad, Japan has unilaterally decided to release the Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea before exhausting all safe ways of disposal and without fully consulting with neighboring countries and the international community. This is highly irresponsible and will severely affect human health and the immediate interests of people in neighboring countries.
    海洋是人类共同财产。福岛核电站事故核废水处置问题不只是日本国内问题。我们强烈敦促日方认清自身责任,秉持科学态度,履行国际义务,对国际社会、周边国家以及本国国民的严重关切作出应有回应。日方应重新审视福岛核电站核废水处置问题,在同各利益攸关国家和国际原子能机构充分协商并达成一致前,不得擅自启动排海。中方将继续同国际社会一道密切关注事态发展,并保留作出进一步反应的权利。 The oceans are mankind's shared property. How the wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is handled is not merely a domestic issue for Japan. We strongly urge the Japanese side to face up to its responsibility, follow the science, fulfill its international obligations and duly respond to the serious concerns of the international community, neighboring countries and its own people. It should reevaluate the issue and refrain from wantonly discharging the wastewater before reaching consensus with all stakeholders and the IAEA through full consultations. China will continue to watch closely the developments of the matter together with the international community and reserves the right to make further reactions.


    总台央广记者:当地时间12日,美国国务院发表声明称,日本政府向海中排放福岛核电站核废水的决定是透明的,声明称该做法似乎符合全球公认的核安全标准。中方对此有何评论?  CNR: The US State Department issued a statement on the Japanese government's decision to dispose of the treated wastewater by discharging it into the sea on April 12 local time saying the latter "has been transparent about its decision, and appears to have adopted an approach in accordance with globally accepted nuclear safety standards". Does China have a comment?  赵立坚:日本福岛核电站事故核废水处置问题事关国际海洋环境、食品安全和人类健康。国际权威机构和专家明确指出,福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响,同时现有经过处理的废水中仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。  Zhao Lijian: The disposal of wastewater from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant accident concerns international marine environment, food safety and human health. As as been pointed out by authoritative institutions and experts, if the wastewater containing tritium from the Fukushima nuclear plant is discharged into the sea, it will affect the marine environment and people's health of neighboring countries and that the treated wastewater needs to be further purified to remove other radionuclides.
    美方向来重视环境问题,希望美方在真正的环境问题上对事不对人,不要让这个重视被打上引号。 The US always attaches high importance to environmental issues. We hope it will remain objective on this matter, or its commitment to environmental protection may be questioned.


    日本广播协会记者:我也想问福岛核电站的核废水处理问题。核设施正常运转时一般都会产生氚,根据各国标准稀释后排放到海洋和大气中。据报道,韩国及欧美等世界各地的核设施都有氚的排放情况,中国大亚湾核电站也曾在2002年排放了42万亿贝克勒尔的氚。日本政府的计划是将废水稀释至世卫组织用水标准的七分之一后再排放。所以日本国内的反对意见大部分也不是针对健康影响,而是担心因排放导致经济损失。我认为这个问题需要科学客观的判断。中方对此有何评论? NHK: Also a question on the Fukushima wastewater disposal. Nuclear facilities produce tritium during normal operation, which is diluted based on national standards before discharge into the sea and air. Such discharge has been reported in the ROK, in Europe and the US. In China, 42 trillion becquerels of tritium was released by the Dayawan nuclear power plant in 2002. The Japanese government's plan is to dilute the wastewater to one seventh of the WHO standard before discharge. So the opposition in Japan is not based on health impact, but on worries of economic losses. I personally believe that this issue calls for science-based and objective judgment. Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:福岛第一核电站发生了最高等级的核事故,其产生的废水同正常运行的核电站废水完全是两码事,否则这些年日方也就没有必要用罐子把这些水严密封装起来了。二者不能混为一谈。 Zhao Lijian: The wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station after the highest-level nuclear accident is entirely different from the wastewater produced from the normal operation of nuclear power plants. Otherwise it would not have been necessary for Japan to seal the wastewater in tanks for the past years. No comparison can be drawn between the two. 此前,国际原子能机构专家组评估报告指出,如果福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响,同时现有经过处理的废水中仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。联合国原子能辐射效应科学委员会报告也认为,福岛核电站事故核废水对海洋生态环境的影响需持续跟踪观察。德国海洋科学研究机构指出,福岛沿岸拥有世界上最强的洋流,从排放之日起57天内,放射性物质将扩散至太平洋大半区域,10年后蔓延全球海域。绿色和平组织核专家指出,日核废水所含碳14在数千年内都存在危险,并可能造成基因损害。4月12日,国际原子能机构总干事格罗西就此表示,机构注意到各方对此事的关切,理解此事正受到全球关注。机构愿以公正、客观、科学的方式积极推进机构对此的评估和监督工作,与各利益攸关方加强沟通,努力避免此事进一步危害海洋环境、食品安全和人类健康。 An earlier review report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expert team points out that if the wastewater containing tritium from the Fukushima nuclear plant is discharged into the sea, it will affect the marine environment and people's health of neighboring countries and that the treated wastewater needs to be further purified to remove other radionuclides. A report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) also believes that the impact of the wastewater on the marine ecological environment requires continued monitoring. According to a German marine scientific research institute, with the world's strongest currents along the coast of Fukushima, radioactive materials could spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within 57 days from the date of discharge, and reach all oceans of the globe in a decade. Greenpeace nuclear experts say the level of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 in the wastewater will remain hazardous for thousands of years with the potential to cause genetic damage. IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said on April 12 that the IAEA had taken note of the concerns of relevant parties with mounting global attention to this matter, and will actively advance its work on the assessment and monitoring activities in an impartial, objective and scientific-based manner. The agency will enhance communication with all relevant stakeholders to forestall further harm to environmental protection, food safety and human health.
    对于这些权威机构和专家的意见,日方应予以诚实回应,而不能充耳不闻,更不能罔顾国际公共利益,将福岛核废水往海里一倒了之。 The Japanese side should respond with honesty to these views from authoritative institutions and experts instead of turning a deaf ear. Still less should it disregard global public interests and simply dump the contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea and be done with it.


    路透社记者:近日,加拿大情报部门称,2020年外国针对加拿大的间谍和干涉活动大幅增多,并将俄罗斯和中国列为特别关切对象。中方对此有何评论? Reuters: Canadian Security Intelligent Service said recently that foreign spying and interference in Canada increased significantly last year, and singled out Russia and China as particular causes for concern. Do you have any comment on this? 赵立坚:加拿大方面恐怕是贼喊捉贼吧?他们有什么证据吗?不能血口喷人吧?  Zhao Lijian: I'm afraid Canada is playing the old trick of a thief crying "stop the thief". Does it have any evidence? No one should slander with impunity.


    《南华早报》记者:黑山最近表示,2014年向中国贷款10亿欧元面临偿债困难。欧盟执委会周一表示,拒绝帮助黑山偿还有关债务。黑山副总理此前表示,欧盟应该帮助黑山,以避免这一欧盟候选成员依赖中国。中方对此有何回应?是否就此与黑山或欧盟有过沟通?  SCMP: Montenegro recently said that it faces difficulties repaying China's debt of one billion euros. The European Commission said on Monday that it won't help Montenegro repay the debt. Montenegro's Deputy Prime Minister said earlier that the EU should help the country refinance the loan to protect the EU candidate from becoming dependent on China. What's your response? Have you talked about this with Montenegro or the EU? 赵立坚:中方注意到有关报道。中国同黑山有着传统友好关系。近年来,两国关系发展顺利,交通基础设施建设等领域务实合作卓有成效。你问题中所指的有关项目是涉及黑山社会民生的重要项目,对促进黑山经济社会发展具有重大意义。中国高度重视发展同黑山关系,希望双方一道努力,不断深化互利共赢合作,造福两国人民。

    Zhao Lijian: We've noticed reports on that. China and Montenegro enjoy traditional friendship. In recent years, our relations have grown smoothly with fruitful practical cooperation in areas including infrastructure. The highway project you mentioned is of major significance to local people's livelihood and the country's socioeconomic development. China places great emphasis on growing relations with Montenegro and hopes to work together with it to further deepen mutually-beneficial cooperation to deliver benefits to the two peoples.


    《北京青年报》记者:11日,美国国务卿布林肯称,确信中国对待维吾尔族人的做法构成“种族灭绝”。美国将联合各国共同谴责中方行径,并采取行动确保没有任何一家企业向中国提供用于镇压少数民族的商品。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Youth Daily: On April 11, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US will bring the world together in speaking with one voice in condemning China's actions and will take actions to make sure that none of the companies are providing China with things that they can use to repress minority groups. Does China have any comment?
    Zhao Lijian: The US has been repeating the lie of the century that there is genocide in Xinjiang. Its obsession with smearing and slandering China only reveals its three-fold conspiracy. 第一,企图祸乱新疆、以疆制华。新疆幅员辽阔,地理位置重要,是丝绸之路经济带核心区和中国向西开放的门户。在涉疆问题上,美方一些人态度之疯狂,手段之阴险,堪称前所未有。美国对印第安人实施种族灭绝,贩卖和奴役黑人,动辄侵略干涉主权国家,所犯罪行罄竹难书,铁证如山。美方一些人却在涉疆问题上凭空捏造“拘留营”“种族灭绝”“强迫劳动”“系统性侵”等谎言,花样不断翻新,现在又居然要玷污雪白的棉花。这些帽子其实都是美国的,他们还是留着自己戴吧。美国一些人关心的根本不是事实和真相,而是企图打击新疆棉纺织产业,破坏新疆繁荣稳定,迟滞中国发展进程。 First, disrupting Xinjiang to contain China. Xinjiang, a vast region with an important geographical location, is at the center of the Silk Road Economic Belt and a gateway for China's opening-up on the west. On Xinjiang-related issues, some in the US are truly in a league of their own with their feverish minds and sinister means. The US committed genocide on native Indians, traded and enslaved black people, and wantonly invaded and interfered in sovereign countries. There is solid evidence for its numerous crimes. Some in the US concocted the lies of "detention camps", "genocide", "forced labor" and "systemic sexual abuse" on Xinjiang-related issues out of thin air. They also keep up a constant effort to refurbish their lies. Now they even attempt to target snow-white cotton in Xinjiang. The accusations they place on China are better left to the US itself. The last thing those in the US care about is facts and truth. Their true intention is to deal a heavy blow to Xinjiang's cotton textile industry, disrupt prosperity and stability in the region and hold back China's development.
    第二,挑拨中国与穆斯林国家关系。美方不要忘了,恰恰是包括沙特、阿联酋、埃及、伊朗、叙利亚、巴基斯坦等穆斯林国家在内的64个国家在联合国人权理事会第46届会议上共同发声,支持中方在涉疆问题上的立场。不久前,上海合作组织秘书长及21个国家驻华使节和外交官赴新疆访问,表示通过亲身经历和所见所闻,认为美西方反华势力对新疆的污蔑之辞毫无根据,理解支持新疆反恐和去极端化努力,赞赏新疆社会当前经济稳定繁荣、发展成就前所未有。事实上,穆斯林国家和国际社会有识之士都对美国挑拨离间的邪恶阴谋不买账。美国一些人关心的根本不是新疆的人权,而是企图利用穆斯林民众的宗教感情,在中国和穆斯林国家之间打楔子。 Second, sowing discord between China and Muslim countries. We would like to remind the US that 64 countries, including Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Syria and Pakistan, spoke with one voice at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to support China on Xinjiang-related issues. Not long ago, SCO Secretary-General and ambassadors and other diplomats posted in China by 21 countries went to visit Xinjiang. After seeing the region as it is, they came to the conclusion that slanders against China by anti-China elements are groundless. They understand and support Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts, and commend its stability, prosperity and unprecedented development achievements. As the fact has shown, the vicious US conspiracy to sow discord has no effect whatsoever on Muslim countries and visionary people of the international community. Instead of caring about the human rights of people in Xinjiang, some in the US are taking advantage of the religious sentiments of Muslims to drive wedges between China and Muslim countries.
    第三,掩盖自身对穆斯林犯下的斑斑劣迹。2001年以来,美国在全球约80个国家以“反恐”之名穷兵黩武,超过80万人直接死于战争暴力,其中平民约33万人。美国使用“洗衣粉”、摆拍视频等肮脏手段,悍然侵略伊拉克、叙利亚等主权国家,造成几十万无辜平民伤亡,上千万穆斯林无家可归。这就是美方关心穆斯林的方式吗?美国为什么唯独对新疆穆斯林“操碎了心”?天下的穆斯林苦美久矣!美国一些人关心的根本不是新疆穆斯林的死活,而是企图转移穆斯林世界对美国的怒火。 Third, covering up its own deplorable record on the treatment of Muslims. Since 2001, the US has launched military operations in over 80 countries in the name of fighting terrorism, taking more than 800,000 lives, including 330,000 civilians. By citing a test tube of laundry powder and a staged video, the US blatantly invaded sovereign countries including Iraq and Syria, causing tens of thousands of civilian casualties and making tens of millions homeless. Is this how the US cares for the Muslims? Why does the US "worry itself sick" over Muslims in Xinjiang only? Muslims around the world have long been suffering from untold misery inflicted by the US that does not care about Muslims at all and is just trying to divert the Muslim community's anger toward itself.
    美方妄图将谎言重复1000遍,那我们就将真相重复10000遍。关于中国新疆的事实和真相,美方看还是不看,信还是不信,它永远像天山一般坚不可摧,像天池一样清澈无瑕。新疆繁荣稳定、民族和睦就是我们最大的底气。美方涉疆谎言必将破产,以疆制华图谋注定失败。 If the US is bent on repeating lies 1,000 times, we will reiterate the truth 10,000 times. Whether the US chooses to see and believe it or not, facts and truth about Xinjiang will stay unshakable like the towering mountain of Tianshan and clear like the crystal lake of Tianchi. Prosperity, stability and ethnic harmony in Xinjiang are the source of our confidence. The US lies on Xinjiang will collapse and its attempt to contain China is doomed to fail.


    彭博社记者:有消息说,美国财长耶伦称,不会在其任内首份半年度外汇报告中将中国列为“汇率操纵国”。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: I have a question regarding the RMB. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will decline to name China as a currency manipulator in her first semiannual foreign-exchange report, according to people familiar with the matter. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this? 赵立坚:中方没有把汇率作为工具来应对贸易争端等外部扰动。 Zhao Lijian: China has not used currency exchange rate as a tool to deal with external disruptions like trade disputes.


    中新社记者:4月9日,美国国务院发言人发表声明称,美国务院对“美台交往指导方针”重审后,已发布新的指导方针,放松与台湾交往的限制,鼓励美国政府与台湾接触,以体现双方不断深化的非官方关系。新指导方针为落实一个中国政策提供了清晰遵循。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: US State Department spokesperson said in a statement on April 9 that following a review as set forth in the Taiwan Assurance Act, the State Department has issued new guidelines to liberalize guidance on contacts with Taiwan and encourage U.S. government engagement with Taiwan that reflects its deepening unofficial relationship. Do you have any response? 赵立坚:一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础。《中美建交公报》明确规定:“美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方关系”。这是过去40多年中美关系发展的前提。所谓“美台交往指导方针”公然鼓励美国政府与台湾接触,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,严重违背美方在台湾问题上向中方作出的严肃政治承诺,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号。中方对此坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。 Zhao Lijian: The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. As the China-US Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations clearly stipulates, "The people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan." This is the premise for China and the US to develop bilateral relations over the past four decades or so. The so-called guidelines for U.S. government interaction with Taiwan counterparts blatantly encourages U.S. government engagement with Taiwan, which severely violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués and runs counter to the serious political commitment the US has made to China on the Taiwan question.
    台湾问题事关中国主权和领土完整,涉及中方核心利益。中方没有任何妥协退让空间。我们敦促美方认清形势,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,不要在台湾问题上“玩火”,立即停止任何形式的美台官方往来,慎重妥善处理涉台问题,不向“台独”势力发出错误信号,以免给中美关系和台海和平稳定造成颠覆性的影响和破坏。 The Taiwan question concerns China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and core interests. There is zero room for compromise and not an inch to give. We urge the U.S. side to grasp the situation, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, refrain from playing with fire, immediately stop official contact with Taiwan in any form, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, and avoid sending any wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces, lest it should shake the foundation of China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.


    澎湃新闻记者:据报道,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫12日发表演讲,纪念人类首次载人航天60周年,呼吁禁止太空武器竞赛,以全人类福祉为目的和平利用太空,根据中俄2014年提交的草案维持太空稳定秩序。中方对加加林成功进入太空60周年有何评论?对拉夫罗夫外长关于和平利用太空的呼吁有何回应?  The Paper: According to reports, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov delivered a speech on April 12 in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of mankind's first manned space mission, calling for a ban on arms race in space and for peaceful use of space for the welfare of all humanity. He also called for maintaining stability and order in space based on the 2014 draft by China and Russia. Does China have any comment on the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's successful space trip? Would you like to respond to Foreign Minister Lavrov's appeal for the peaceful use of outer space? 赵立坚:探索宇宙是全人类的共同梦想。60年前的4月12日,加加林成功进入太空,成为人类遨游太空第一人,开启了人类载人航天的大幕。今年是加加林成功进入太空60周年,也是中国航天事业创建65周年。半个多世纪以来,中俄两国在航天领域开展了卓有成效的合作,两国航天人结下了深厚情谊,树立了合作典范。在这个特殊的日子,我们要向所有秉持科学精神探索浩瀚宇宙、为全人类谋福祉的中外航天人致敬。 Zhao Lijian: Space exploration is a dream shared by mankind. On April 12, 60 years ago, Yuri Gagarin became the first human being in space after a successful flight, which marked the beginning of manned space missions. This year marks the 60th anniversary of Gagarin's mission and the 65th anniversary of the launch of China's space endeavor. For over half a century, China and Russia have had productive cooperation in this field, forging a deep bond of friendship and setting an example of cooperation. On this special occasion, we would like to pay tribute to all astronauts in the world who dedicate themselves to the scientific cause of exploring the vast universe for the welfare of all human beings.
    外空安全问题是全人类的共同挑战,没有国家可以独善其身。确保外空和平利用,防止外空武器化和军备竞赛,不仅符合各国共同利益,也是各国共同责任。中方一向积极倡导防止外空军备竞赛,与俄方共同积极推动谈判具有法律约束力的外空军控条约,以从根本上解决外空安全面临的挑战。中俄2008年向裁谈会提交、2014年更新的外空军控条约草案得到国际上越来越多的国家支持。我们呼吁国际社会在此基础上尽早启动谈判并达成外空军控条约,从根本上维护外空安全。 The issue of space security is a challenge to us all. No country can keep itself away from it. To ensure the peaceful use of outer space and prevent weaponization and arms race in space is in the interests of all countries and also a shared responsibility. China has been calling actively for the prevention of arms race in outer space. Together with Russia, we have been promoting negotiation on a legally-binding international instrument on outer space arms control to provide a fundamental solution to the issue of security in outer space. In 2008, we jointly submitted a draft treaty on prevention of arms race in outer space to the Conference on Disarmament, which was later updated in 2014. It is getting more and more support internationally. We call on the international community to start negotiation using it as a basis at an early date to conclude a treaty on outer space arms control to underpin space security.
    2021年,中俄双方将继续开展航天领域广泛合作。我们也期待同各方携手努力,为维护外空持久和平和共同安全、推进人类和平探索利用太空、推动构建人类命运共同体作出积极贡献。 In 2021, China will continue its broad cooperation with Russia in the space sector. We also look forward to working together with all sides to contribute to maintaining lasting peace and common security in space, advancing mankind's peaceful exploration and use of space, and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-13的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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