喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-15的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
2021年4月15日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on April 15, 2021
总台央视记者:14日,美国总统拜登宣布美已完成阿富汗战略目标,将于5月1日起撤出2500名驻阿美军,9月11日前全部撤离。拜登当天还与阿富汗总统加尼通电话。加尼表示尊重美撤军的决定。美方还称,美从阿撤军也有集中精力和资源应对包括中国竞争等威胁挑战的考虑。中方对此有何评论? CCTV: On April 14, President Biden said that the US has achieved its strategic objectives in Afghanistan and will begin withdrawing its 2,500 remaining troops on May 1, with the process to be completed by September 11. Biden also spoke on the phone with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who said he respects the US decision. According to the US side, to focus energy and resources on dealing with threats and challenges including competition from China is part of the consideration behind the withdrawal. Does China have any comment? 赵立坚:当前阿富汗安全形势依然复杂严峻,恐怖主义问题远未得到解决。中方立场一贯而明确,外国驻阿军队应以负责任、有序方式撤离,确保阿富汗局势平稳过渡,避免恐怖势力趁乱坐大。美国是影响阿富汗问题的最大外部因素。美方有关决定和行动,应充分尊重阿富汗主权独立和领土完整,切实负起责任维护阿富汗和平重建成果,并充分兼顾地区国家合理安全关切。 Zhao Lijian: Currently the security situation in Afghanistan remains complicated and grave. Terrorism is far from being eradicated. China's position is consistent and clear. We hold that foreign troops in Afghanistan should withdraw in a responsible and orderly manner to ensure a stable transition and prevent terrorist forces from taking advantage of potential chaos to fester. The US is the single largest external factor in the Afghanistan issue. When making decisions and taking actions, the US should respect Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, safeguard progress made in peaceful reconstruction, and fully accommodate regional countries' legitimate security concerns.美方将从阿富汗撤军同所谓应对中国挑战挂钩的言论,反映出一些人的阴暗心理和根深蒂固的冷战零和思维,有损中美互信,不利于两国在国际地区问题上的协调合作。我想强调的是,通过政治方式解决阿富汗问题,早日实现阿富汗和平稳定,打击恐怖主义,符合包括中美在内有关各方共同利益,也是国际社会的普遍期待。中方愿继续就此同有关各方保持沟通合作,为阿富汗尽早实现长治久安发挥建设性作用。 The remarks by the US side linking the withdrawal with dealing with challenges posed by China reflect a sinister and deep-seated Cold-War mentality, which is detrimental to China-US mutual trust and won't help with bilateral coordination and cooperation on regional and international issues. I would like to stress that resolving the Afghanistan issue through political means to achieve peace and stability at an early date and fighting terrorism serves the common interests of all sides including China and the US and is the shared aspiration of the international community. China stands ready to maintain communication and cooperation with all parties concerned on this to play a constructive role in realizing lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan at an early date.
今日俄罗斯记者:再问一个关于阿富汗的问题。联合国此前宣布阿富汗和平进程伊斯坦布尔会议将于4月24日至5月4日举行。中方是否接到邀请?是否会参加? RIA Novosti:I've got another question on Afghanistan Earlier the United Nations announced that the Afghan peace conference would be held in Istanbul from 24 April to 4 May. I wonder if China has received an invitation and if China will take part in the upcoming conference? 赵立坚:中方已经收到邀请。解决阿富汗问题离不开国际社会的支持与帮助。中方支持任何有利于推动阿富汗和平和解进程的国际努力,正同有关方面就会议事宜保持沟通。 Zhao Lijian: China has received the invitation. It won't be possible to resolve the Afghanistan issue without the support and assistance from the international community. China supports all international efforts conducive to promoting peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. With regard to the meeting, we are in communication with relevant sides.3
日本共同社记者:美国总统气侯问题特使克里和解振华特使的会晤是否已经开始?可否透露会晤情况?克里特使是否会会见其他中国官员? Kyodo News: Has the meeting between US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and China's special envoy on climate change Xie Zhenhua begun already? Can you give us some information about their meeting? Will Kerry meet other Chinese officials? 赵立坚:关于美国总统气候问题特使克里访华的有关事宜,请你直接向中国生态环境部询问。我没有可以提供的信息。 Zhao Lijian: With regard to the visit of US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, I'd like to refer you to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. I don't have any information to offer.4
凤凰卫视记者:我们注意到日本政府作出向海洋排放福岛核电站事故核废水决定前后,中韩两国密集发声表达关切和不满。但日方似乎并不接受,称中韩两国批评未基于科学依据,而是夹杂着感情和其他想法。中方对此有何评论? Phoenix TV: We noticed that before and after the Japanese government made the decision on discharging nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident into the sea, China and the ROK have spoken up frequently to express concern and dissatisfaction. However, Japan doesn't seem to accept it, claiming that criticism from China and the ROK are not based on science, but rather an out-pour of sentiments mixed with other thoughts. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:昨天,中韩海洋事务对话合作机制举行首次会议。双方敦促日本务必在与国际机构和周边国家充分协商,并在有关国家和国际机构实质参与基础上,审慎处理福岛核废水问题。这是中韩两国的共同立场。日方擅自单方面决定把核废水排入海洋,对外转嫁负担和风险,置国际社会特别是亚洲近邻安全利益于不顾,极其自私自利。作为日本近邻和利益攸关方,中韩两国为维护本国人民身体健康和国际海洋环境,对日方不负责任的做法表示严重关切和强烈不满,天经地义、理所当然。 Zhao Lijian: Yesterday, the first meeting of the China-ROK dialogue and cooperation mechanism of maritime affairs was convened. The two countries urged Japan to fully consult with international institutions and neighboring countries, and prudently handle the issue on the basis of substantive participation by relevant countries and international institutions. This is the common position of the two sides. It is extremely selfish that Japan wantonly and unilaterally decided to release the nuclear wastewater into the sea and shift the burden and risks onto others in disregard of the safety and interests of the international community, its Asian neighbors in particular. To protect the health of their own people and international marine environment, China and the ROK, as Japan's close neighbors and stakeholders, expressed grave concerns and strong dissatisfaction. This is perfectly natural and justified.日本声称核废水安全,凭借的仅仅是自己单方面掌握的数据,完全没有说服力。揭露福岛第一核电站运营方东京电力公司篡改数据、隐瞒不报的爆料、证言、报道还少吗?种种劣迹在前,这些缺乏国际机构等第三方实质参与、评估和监管的数据真的靠得住吗?德国海洋科学研究机构早已明确指出,福岛沿岸拥有世界上最强的洋流,从排放之日起57天内,放射性物质将扩散至太平洋大半区域,10年后蔓延至全球海域。日方有什么底气和资格指责其他国家“未基于科学依据”?日本一些政客费尽心机想要证明核废水“清白”,那就请他们把核废水用来饮用、做饭、洗衣服或者灌溉,请他们保证海产品不会被核废水污染,请他们接受国际原子能机构建议,同包括中韩在内的有关国家合作成立技术工作组开展评估。 Japan claims that the nuclear wastewater is safe merely by citing data in its own possession. This is not convincing at all. There are so many revelations, testimony and reports on how Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, manipulated data and covered up truth. With its poor record, is Japan's data that is lacking in substantive third party participation, assessment and oversight by international agencies and others really reliable? A German marine scientific research institute pointed out long ago that with the world's strongest currents along the coast of Fukushima, radioactive materials could spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within 57 days from the date of discharge, and reach all oceans of the globe in a decade. What gives Japan the confidence and makes it feel it's in a position to accuse other countries of failing to obtain "scientific proof"? Some Japanese politicians spared no effort to prove that the nuclear wastewater is harmless, then they should use the water for drinking, cooking, laundry and irrigation; guarantee that sea food won't be contaminated; and accept the advice of the International Atomic Energy Agency and set up a technical working group with relevant countries including China and the ROK to make assessment.
日本别以为得到了美国的“感谢”就吃了定心丸。美国身体很诚实,一边点赞,一边禁止日本大米、鱼类等产品进口。美国食品药品管理局强调,由于辐射和核污染相关公共卫生问题,已加强对日本受管制产品的监管。对美国这种政策,不知日本方面作何解释? Japan should not rest assured just because the US has "thanked" it. The US has been quite honest in actions. While giving thumbs-up to Japan on the one hand, it is banning Japanese rice and fish imports on the other. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stressed that due to the public health concerns that are associated with radiation and nuclear contamination, FDA has increased surveillance of regulated products from Japan. How would Japan explain this policy of the US?
北京广电记者:14日,日本环境大臣小泉进次郎在参加彭博新能源财经峰会时,敦促中国加快温室气体减排行动,称中国的空气污染治理将对日本人民健康、社会产生直接影响,呼吁中国提前实现2060年碳中和承诺,并尽快达到碳排放峰值。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Media Network: At the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit on April 14, Japanese Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi urged China to accelerate GHG reduction actions and said that China's air pollution could directly affect Japanese people's health and have social ramifications. He called on China to meet its 2060 carbon neutrality target ahead of schedule and peak carbon emissions as soon as possible. What's your comment? 赵立坚:去年,中方宣布将力争2030年前碳达峰、努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。这是中方基于可持续发展的内在要求和构建人类命运共同体的责任担当作出的重大战略决策。从碳达峰到碳中和,发达国家大体需要50年到60年时间,中方将用短短30年做到。这并非易事,需要开展一场广泛而深刻的经济社会系统性变革。中方已将碳达峰、碳中和纳入生态文明建设整体布局,将以抓铁有痕的劲头,兑现我们的承诺。 Zhao Lijian: Last year, China announced the aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This is a major strategic decision based on the intrinsic need for China to realize sustainable development at home, and a responsibility it has undertaken for the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China will make the stride from carbon peaking to carbon neutrality within just 30 years, which usually takes 50 to 60 years in developed countries. This won't be easy. It calls for a broad, profound and systemic socioeconomic reform. China has included carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in its overall plan for ecological conservation. We will honor our commitment with ironlike determination and perseverance.中方建议日方以责人之心责己。反观日本,气候变化《京都议定书》以日本京都冠名,日本却拒绝接受议定书第二承诺期,拒绝为全球减排作出应有贡献。日本作为发达国家,碳达峰时间远早于中国,却在中国之后才宣布碳中和承诺。 We suggest that Japan do what it urges others to do. The Kyoto Protocol on climate change is named after a Japanese city, yet Japan refused to accept the second commitment period of the deal and refused to make due contribution to global emission reduction efforts. Japan, a developed country, peaked carbon emission long before China, but announced its carbon neutrality commitment after China.
既然说到排放,我不禁联想到这几天国际社会高度关注的日本政府决定以海洋排放方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水,这是极其不负责任的行为。日方常常把国际责任挂在嘴边,现在是以实际行动加以体现的时候了。我劝日方先管好自己的事,尽快回应国际社会严重关切,以负责任的态度处理好福岛核废水问题。这有利于改善日本的国际形象。 Speaking of releasing pollutants, what came to my mind is a case that attracted world attention recently: the Japanese government's decision to release nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident into the sea. This is a highly irresponsible move. Japan always talks about international responsibility and now is the time to honor words with deeds. I urge Japan to manage its own business, respond to the grave concern of the international community as soon as possible and properly handle the issue in a responsible manner. This would be conducive to improving its image in the world.
Bloomberg: Adrian Zenz, in an interview with Bloomberg TV, described what's happening in Xinjiang as a huge state-sponsored system of "forced labor" that US has designated as "genocide". He called on countries to take actions. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on his perspective?
Zhao Lijian: We can all see what kind of person Adrian Zenz is. His lies are not worth refuting.
As I mentioned the other day, the Intermediate People's Court of Kashgar Prefecture accepted the case of Shache Xiongying Textile Co., Ltd. suing Adrian Zenz over damaged reputation. Relevant judicial organs are handling the case in accordance with laws, regulations and due procedures. As the case progresses, we believe the Chinese people and the international community will get to know more about the contemptible moves by Zenz to concoct rumors, and the attempt of Zenz and the malicious anti-China forces behind him to disrupt Xinjiang's security and stability and impede China's development will fall apart even faster.
湖北广电记者:澳大利亚公民党刊物《澳人警示服务》连续刊发8篇题为《新疆:欧亚中心地带的中国西部边境》的特别报告,详细披露美国等西方国家出于地缘政治目的,支持新疆分离主义和恐怖主义活动的行径。你对此有何评论? HRTN: The Australian Alert Service, a weekly publication of the Australian Citizens Party, published an eight-article series "Xinjiang: China's Western Frontier in the Heart of Eurasia", disclosing with details how some Western countries, including the US, have supported Xinjiang separatist and terrorist activities for geopolitical purposes. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我也注意到这几篇报告。报告写得很好。报告指出,冷战结束后,美国等西方国家大打“新疆牌”,支持新疆分离主义和恐怖主义势力破坏新疆稳定。2003年,美国中情局就建议“美国在未来面临与中国的危机或对抗时,不应排除将‘维吾尔牌’作为施压手段的选项”。2004年以来,美国国家民主基金会向“世界维吾尔大会”等“东突”势力提供876万美元资助。上述因素导致极端思想在新疆地区迅速传播,恐怖分子进入新疆,“东突”频繁策划发动恐怖袭击,造成大量无辜平民伤亡,新疆稳定遭到严重破坏。 Zhao Lijian: I also noted this series. The articles are very well-written. They point out that since the end of the Cold War, Western countries, including the US, have been playing the "Xinjiang card" and supporting separatist and terrorist forces to disrupt Xinjiang. In 2003, the CIA concluded that "It would be unrealistic to rule out categorically American willingness to play the 'Uyghur card' as a means of exerting pressure on China in the event of some future crisis or confrontation." The NED has funneled US$8.76 million since 2004 to East Turkestan forces including the "World Uyghur Congress". These factors lead to rapid spread of extremist ideologies in Xinjiang and the inflow of terrorists. The East Turkestan forces then frequently plotted and carried out terrorist attacks in the region, causing heavy casualties of innocent civilians, severely jeopardizing stability in Xinjiang.报告还披露,美西方通过情报机构和反华势力操纵、利用海外维吾尔人组织,炮制所谓“拘留营”、“强迫劳动”、“种族灭绝”等弥天大谎和虚假信息,安排所谓智库、学者和主流媒体制作散播假新闻,形成一条完整的造假售假“谎言链”。他们制造“新疆穆斯林支持‘独立’”、“‘东突’势力追求‘和平’”、“新疆存在侵犯人权行为”等三种假象,妄图祸乱新疆、以疆制华。 The series also reveals that the US and the West have manipulated and taken advantage of overseas Uyghur groups through intelligence agencies and anti-China forces to cook up outrageous lies and disinformation like "detention camp", "forced labor" and "genocide", and arrange so-called think-tanks, scholars and mainstream media to fabricate and spread fake news. This is a complete rumor-mongering chain. They created the false impression that Muslims in Xinjiang support "independence", that East Turkestan forces pursue "peace", and that there are human rights violations in Xinjiang, in an attempt to disrupt Xinjiang and contain China.
事实真相总会大白天下。美西方涉华谣言旨在毁掉中国,但这些谣言却毁掉了美国在中国人心目中的形象。这些谣言也让中国人民更加团结起来了,更加认清了美西方国家一些人的真面目。 The truth will come to light. The US and the West want to destroy China with rumors, but these rumors have destroyed their image in the eyes of Chinese people. These rumors only make the Chinese more united and clear-eyed about the true face of the US and the West.
今天是第六个全民国家安全教育日。相信随着总体国家安全观的广泛宣传和深入贯彻,每一位中国公民都会练就一双“火眼金睛”,可以分分钟识别美西方涉华谎言,最终形成维护中国国家安全的“铜墙铁壁”。美西方国家破坏中国新疆稳定发展的图谋绝不会得逞。 Today is the sixth National Security Education Day in China. We believe that with extensive publicity and in-depth implementation of the holistic approach to national security, each and every Chinese citizen will have sharp eyes to spot the lies of the US and the West, thus forming an impregnable fortress for our national security. Their conspiracy to disrupt Xinjiang's stability and development will by no means succeed.
中国国际电视台记者:据报道,日前联合国人权高专巴切莱特发表声明,对英国议会正在审议的“海外行动(现役和退伍军人)法案”表示关切。她指出,有关法案可能包庇在海外实施酷刑等严重罪行的英国军人,明显降低了追究严重侵犯人权构成国际犯罪的海外军人责任的可能性,妨碍对肇事者全面追责,违反英国根据《禁止酷刑公约》等国际条约承担的义务。中方对此有何评论? CGTN: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet in a recent statement expressed concerns over the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill currently being reviewed by the UK Parliament. The Bill "could lead to shielding military personnel operating abroad from due accountability for acts of torture or other serious international crimes"; "would make it substantially less likely that UK service members on overseas operations would be held accountable for serious human rights violations amounting to international crimes", and is "potentially in violation of the UK's obligations, including under the Convention against Torture and other international treaties", Bachelet said. I wonder if China has a comment? 赵立坚:对于一些西方国家在阿富汗、伊拉克等国虐待、杀害士兵甚至无辜平民的严重侵犯人权的行径,中方曾多次表明立场。有关行径严重违背国际公约和人类良知,必须得到彻底调查,相关人员也必须得到法律和正义的审判。任何残害无辜生命、践踏人类良知的罪行,不管是谁干的、哪个国家干的,都应该遭到国际社会的坚决反对和谴责,这才是讲人权、公平和正义。 Zhao Lijian: China has stated many times its position on serious human rights abuses by some Western powers in countries including Afghanistan and Iraq, where soldiers and even innocent civilians were mistreated and killed. Such actions in violation of international treaties and human conscience, must be investigated thoroughly to bring those accountable to the court of law and justice. Crimes that mutilate innocent lives and trample on human conscience, no matter who or which country committed them, must be rejected and condemned by the international community. This is upholding human rights, equity and justice.令人遗憾的是,英国等一些西方国家惯于在人权问题上大搞政治化和双重标准,热衷于充当“教师爷”,对别国进行干涉和施压,却对自身存在的严重人权问题视而不见。我们敦促英方对其在阿富汗、伊拉克战争期间虐待、伤害当地无辜平民的暴行进行彻查,彻底追究犯有国际罪行人员的责任,切实担负起其应承担的国际义务,给国际社会一个负责任的交代。 Regrettably, some Western countries including the UK, are in the habit of politicizing human rights issues and applying double standard. Styling themselves as lecturers, they interfere and pressure other countries while turning a blind eye to their own grave human rights conditions. We urge the UK to conduct thorough investigations into its atrocities including abusing and hurting innocent civilians during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, hold those guilty of international crimes accountable, assume its due international obligations, and give a responsible response to the international community.
加拿大《环球邮报》记者:加拿大议会作出决定,认为蔡英文是“约翰·麦凯恩公共服务领导奖”的理想候选人。你认为蔡英文是这一奖项的理想人选吗? The Globe and Mail: The Canadian Parliament has declared Tsai Ing-wen an ideal candidate for the John McCain Prize for Leadership in Public Service. Does the Chinese government believe that Ms. Tsai is an ideal candidate for this prize? 赵立坚:中方对加拿大众议院通过有关涉台错误动议表示强烈不满、坚决反对。一个中国原则是中加关系的政治基础,也是加拿大政府的严肃承诺。加方应充分认清台湾问题的高度敏感性,慎重、妥善处理涉台问题,以免给中加关系造成进一步损害。 Zhao Lijian: China deplores and rejects the wrong motion related to Taiwan passed by the Canadian House of Commons. The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-Canada relations and a solemn commitment by the Canadian government. Canada should recognize that the Taiwan question is highly sensitive, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues and avoid further undermining bilateral relations.10
日本广播协会记者:美国非官方代表团今天在台湾与蔡英文见面。蔡英文感谢拜登政府强调台海和平稳定的重要性。中方对此有何评论? NHK: When meeting with an unofficial US delegation in Taiwan today, Tsai Ing-wen thanked the Biden administration for the emphasis it places on peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:昨天我就美方代表团访台表明了中方的严正立场。 Zhao Lijian: I already stated China's solemn position on the visit to Taiwan by the US delegation yesterday.台湾问题事关中国主权和领土完整,涉及中国核心利益。中国维护国家主权安全利益的决心坚定不移。美方应充分认清台湾问题的高度敏感性,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,在台湾问题上谨言慎行,不向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号,以免严重损害台海和平稳定和中美在重要领域的协调合作。 The Taiwan question bears on China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and core interests. We are firmly determined to safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests. The US should fully grasp the highly sensitive nature of the Taiwan question, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, prudently handle Taiwan-related issues, and refrain from sending any wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces to avoid serious damage to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as well as China-US coordination and cooperation in key areas.
《人民日报》记者:据报道,美国国家情报总监海恩斯在参议院情报委员会听证会上表示,中国日益成为与美实力旗鼓相当、在多方面挑战美国的竞争对手,对美构成的威胁无以伦比。中国以有利于其威权体制的方式推动国际规则改革。中方对此有何评论? People's Daily: Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines warned at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing of the "unparalleled threat" posed by China, saying that "China increasingly is a near-peer competitor challenging the United States in multiple arenas, while pushing to revise global norms in ways that favor the authoritarian Chinese system". Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:中国坚定不移走和平发展道路。我们从来没有主动挑起过一场战争,也从来没有侵犯过别国一寸领土,不对任何国家构成威胁。事实一再证明,中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者,中国的发展是世界的机遇。 Zhao Lijian: China is committed to the path of peaceful development. Never have we started a war or taken a single inch of another country's territory. We pose no threat to any country. As facts have proven time and again, China always works to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development and uphold international order. China's development means opportunities for the world.英语有句俗话叫“拿着锤子的人,看什么都像钉子。”美国企图永远维持世界霸权,主导国际规则,因此看谁都像挑战威胁、都像钉子,这是典型的“以小人之心,度君子之腹”。 There is a British saying: To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The US intends to maintain its global hegemony forever and to dominate international rules, so it sees challenges and threats everywhere. This is a typical example of a petty mind making conjectures about an upright man.
我想问问美方,究竟是谁军费世界第一、海外军事基地最多?是谁建国240多年历史上只有16年没打过仗?是谁频频派遣舰机到本国以外地区耀武扬威?是谁打着“民主”、“人权”幌子到处搞渗透破坏、“颜色革命”和政权更迭?又是谁到处拉帮结伙、不择手段打压他国? I would like to ask the US: Which country on earth has the world's top military expenditure and runs the most overseas military bases? Which country has been war-free for only 16 years in its over 240 years of history? Which country frequently sends military aircraft and vessels beyond its shores to flex muscles? Which country engages in infiltration and instigates color revolution and regime change all over the world under the cover of democracy and human rights? Which country resorts to ganging up on others without scruples?
我想强调的是,中国的发展,是世界和平力量的增长,是世界的机遇而非挑战。中方始终坚定维护的是以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序,而不是个别国家为维护自身霸权所定义的国际秩序。在全球化时代,以意识形态划线,拉帮结派搞针对特定国家的“小圈子”才是对国际秩序的破坏,终究是不得人心的、也是没有出路的。 I'd like to stress that China's development means growth in the force for peace in the world. It brings opportunities instead of challenges to the international community. China always upholds the UN-centered international system, and the international order we firmly safeguard is the one founded on international law, not the one defined by a certain country for the purpose of maintaining its hegemony. In the era of globalization, forming ideology-based cliques to target others will undermine international order, get no support and lead to nowhere.
加拿大《环球邮报》记者:你刚才提到全民国家安全教育日。今天我们看到一些媒体报道了过去几年危害国家安全的案例,其中提到有些人因反华活动被指控。你能否解释在国家安全语境下哪些活动构成“反华”? The Globe and Mail: You mentioned earlier the National Security Education Day. There are a number of references in some reporting on that to people who are accused of anti-China activities or anti-China speeches over the years. Can you give us a better understanding of what constitutes "anti-China" in the national security context? 赵立坚:关于什么是“反华活动”、哪些行为构成“危害中国国家安全”,中国有关法律写得清清楚楚,你可以去查阅。 Zhao Lijian: As to what are "anti-China activities" and what constitutes behavior "undermining China's national security", I refer you to relevant Chinese laws where you will find very specific provisions.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-15的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!