喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-23的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on August 23, 20211
总台央视记者:中方此前表示,仍有零星中国公民留在阿富汗,请问他们目前安全状况如何? CCTV: The Chinese side said that there are still a few Chinese citizens in Afghanistan. Are they in safe situation? 汪文斌:中方高度关注在阿富汗的中国机构和人员安全。目前,中国驻阿富汗使馆在正常工作,大部分在阿中国公民已经在使馆安排下先期回国。对自愿留下来的零星人员,使馆一直同他们保持密切联系,指导他们加强安防意识和措施,并协调阿富汗有关方面切实为其提供安全保障。 Wang Wenbin: China pays great attention to the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Afghanistan. At present, the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is working normally. Most of the Chinese citizens in Afghanistan have returned home under the arrangement of the embassy. The embassy maintains close contact with the few individuals who choose to stay there, instructing them to enhance security awareness and precautions and coordinates with relevant parties in Afghanistan to provide security guarantee in earnest.近日,中国驻阿富汗使馆已经发布多条安全提醒。请尚未向使馆报备的在阿中国公民速告现住址、行程、本人及国内亲属联系方式。具体信息可以在中国驻阿富汗使馆主页查询。 The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan has issued several safety alerts recently. For Chinese citizens in Afghanistan who have not yet touched base with the embassy, please inform the embassy of their address, itinerary, and the contact information of themselves as well as their relatives in China. Detailed information can be found on the homepage of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan.
AP: As Vice President of the US Kamala Harris is in Singapore and Vietnam this week, and some Chinese state media have written some editorials about it. I wonder if you could tell us what China's thinking is and do you have any comment on her visit to Southeast Asia?
Wang Wenbin: We always hold that exchanges between countries should be conducive to promoting mutual trust, and peace and stability in the region and the world at large.
Associated Press of Pakistan: Afghan Taliban spokesman said that they will soon announce a government framework. Do you have any comment on that?
汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。中方在阿富汗问题上的立场是一贯和明确的,我们希望阿富汗组建开放包容、有广泛代表性的政府,奉行温和稳健的内外政策,顺应本国人民愿望和国际社会普遍期待。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant report. China's position on Afghan issue is consistent and clear. We hope that Afghanistan will form an open, inclusive, and broadly representative government, adopt moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies and conform to the aspiration of its people and the common expectation of the international community.4
Shenzhen TV: According to reports, US Secretary of State Blinken in a phone call with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis on August 21 underscored ironclad US solidarity with its NATO ally, and its firm support of Lithuania in the face of China's coercive behavior. Does China have any comment?
Wang Wenbin: The ins and outs of the diplomatic spat between China and Lithuania are very clear. I would like to reiterate that China has the right to respond with resolute and necessary actions to provocative moves that seriously infringe upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
同时,我也要正告美方,中方不会胁迫任何国家,也不会被任何国家所胁迫。“胁迫外交”这顶帽子,还是留着美国自己戴吧。 I also have this solemn message for the US: China won't coerce any country and won't be coerced by any country, either. The US had better keep the label of "coercive diplomacy" for itself.
Global Times: It is reported that, on August 20, the UK and the US imposed sanctions on Russian intelligence operatives and relevant agencies that are suspected of poisoning of Navalny. On the same day, the US Government announced to slap sanctions on one Russian vessel and two Russian individuals involved in the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Do you have any comment?
汪文斌:关于纳瓦尔内事件,中方多次强调,这纯属俄罗斯内政。相关各方在事件查明真相之前,对俄方作有罪推断,是不公正的,借此实施单边制裁更是毫无道理。 Wang Wenbin: Regarding the issue of Navalny, China has stated the position that it is entirely Russia's domestic affair on multiple occasions. It is unfair for the relevant parties to presume guilt of the Russian side before investigating thoroughly for the truth. Still less should they impose unilateral sanctions with presumption of guilt.关于北溪2号项目,美方根据国内法对两个主权国家之间的正常合作进行无理制裁,是对国际法和国际关系基本准则的践踏,充分暴露了美方一贯的霸权思维和霸道行径,注定不得人心,必将遭到国际社会反对。 As for the Nord Stream 2 project, the US side slapped unreasonable sanctions on normal cooperation between two sovereign states under its domestic law. What the US has done tramples on international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and fully exposes the long-term hegemonic mentality and bullying practice of the US side, which will gain no support and surely face rejection by the international community.
彭博社记者:被流放的阿富汗央行行长艾哈迈德接受采访时表示,塔利班可能试图从中国、巴基斯坦等国寻求资金,以取代美国。中方是否计划为阿塔提供资金? Bloomberg: In an interview, Afghanistan's exiled central bank chief Ajmal Ahmady said that Taliban may try to go to other countries such as China and Pakistan for financing to replace the US. Does China plan to provide financing? 汪文斌:我想强调的是,美国是阿富汗问题的重要肇因和最大外部因素,不能一走了之。美方也多次明确承诺要助阿维稳防乱、和平重建。但我们看到媒体却在不断报道美方做的不地道、没底线的事情。希望美方能够言行一致,在阿富汗问题上切实担起责任,将对阿发展重建、人道援助等方面所作承诺落到实处。 Wang Wenbin: I want to stress that the US, the important perpetrator and the biggest external factor of the Afghan issue, should not simply walk away. The US side repeatedly and explicitly pledged to help Afghanistan to maintain stability, forestall turbulence, and promote peace and reconstruction. However, we have seen continued reports about the insincere, dishonest and unscrupulous acts of the US side. We hope that the US will match its words with deeds, and shoulder its due responsibility in Afghan issue, and honor its pledge to assist Afghanistan in areas including development and reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance.中国始终奉行面向全体阿富汗人民的友好政策,长期以来,为阿经济社会建设提供了大量帮助。中方希阿早日结束战乱,恢复经济金融秩序,愿继续为阿富汗和平重建、帮助阿增强自我发展能力和改善民生发挥积极作用。 China always pursues a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people. For a long time, China has provided much assistance in economic and social development in Afghanistan. China hopes to see an early end to turbulence and restoration of economic and financial order in Afghanistan. China stands ready to continue to play an active role in promoting peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan, and helping the nation to enhance the ability to achieve self-development and improve people's livelihood.
《北京日报》记者:据报道,美国20多个亚裔团体19日联名致函拜登称,美司法部正在实施的“中国行动计划”名义上旨在调查并起诉经济间谍和商业窃密行为,实际上却使亚裔移民特别是华裔科学家遭受种族歧视、监视和不当起诉,应予暂停。外交部对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: It is reported that more than 20 Asian-American groups in the US sent a joint letter to the US President Joe Biden on August 19, urging the administration to pause the China Initiative implemented by the Justice Department. They stated that the initiative was said to be carried out to investigate and prosecute trade secret theft and economic espionage activities, but in fact subjects Asian immigrants, particularly scientists of Chinese descent to "racial profiling, surveillance and wrongful prosecutions". Does the Foreign Ministry have any comment? 汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。此前,美国媒体已经曝光,这个所谓的“中国行动计划”先设办案指标、再查案,如此罔顾司法正义的做法只会造成冤假错案。事实充分证明,美国上届政府推出的“中国行动计划”,实质上就是少数反华政客泛化国家安全概念、对华进行疯狂遏制打压的工具,不仅对中美关系造成严重冲击,也加剧了美国国内的种族歧视现象,对美国内亚裔群体造成严重伤害。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant reports. Previously, the US media revealed that the so-called China Initiative unfairly placed targets first, and carried out investigation accordingly. Such acts, in total disregard of judicial justice, will only result in wrongful convictions. Facts have proven that the China Initiative implemented by the former US administration, is in essence a tool for a handful anti-China politicians to abuse the concept of national security and go all out to contain and suppress China. It not only exerts severe impact on China-US relations, but also exacerbates racial discrimination in the US, severely harming Asian-American groups.美方应切实纠正上述错误做法,停止以中国为“假想敌”,停止编造借口对中国进行抹黑打压,停止干扰中美在科技、人文等领域的正常交流合作。 The US should earnestly correct its above-mentioned wrong practices, and stop perceiving China as an imaginary enemy, stop making up excuses to slander and suppress China, and stop interfering in normal exchanges and cooperation between China and the US in areas such as science and technology, and people-to-people exchanges.
AFP: Does the foreign ministry have any response to news that Nicholas Burns has been appointed the US ambassador to China?
汪文斌:我们注意到美国总统拜登提名前副国务卿伯恩斯担任驻华大使的报道。中方希望新任的美国驻华大使致力于促进中美两国的友好与合作,为推动中美关系健康稳定发展发挥建设性作用。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant reports that the US president Joe Biden nominated Nicholas Burns, former Under Secretary of State, to serve as the US ambassador to China. China hopes that the newly nominated US ambassador to China will work for the friendship and cooperation between China and the US, and play a constructive role in promoting sound and steady development of our bilateral relations.9
Beijing Youth Daily: The fifth China-Arab States Expo concluded yesterday. Could you talk about the outcomes as well as the significance of this event?
汪文斌:中阿博览会是中国和阿拉伯国家共建“一带一路”的重要平台。本届中国—阿拉伯国家博览会历时4天,摩洛哥首相,哈萨克斯坦第一副总理,突尼斯外交、移民和侨民部长,阿联酋外贸国务部长及阿盟助理秘书长等50位外国嘉宾通过视频或连线方式致辞和发言。本届博览会共形成277个签约成果,涵盖电子信息、清洁能源、新型材料、绿色食品、产能合作、“互联网+医疗健康”、旅游合作等多个领域,计划投资和贸易总额1566.7亿元人民币。这充分彰显了中国与阿拉伯国家共谋合作发展、共促和平发展、实现互利共赢、高质量共建“一带一路”的勃勃生机。 Wang Wenbin: The China-Arab States Expo is an important platform for joint efforts by China and Arab states to advance the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Altogether 50 foreign guests including the Moroccan Prime Minister, Kazakhstan's First Deputy Prime Minister, Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, the UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Trade, and Assistant Secretary-General at the League of Arab States (LAS) addressed the 4-day event through recorded messages or video link. The expo saw 277 deals worth an approximate total of 156.67 billion yuan inked, ranging from electronic information, clean energy, new materials, green food, capacity cooperation, "Internet plus health care" and tourism cooperation. These attest to the vibrant China-Arab cooperation to pursue common development, safeguard peace and development, deliver mutual benefits, and promote the high-quality BRI development.在博览会开幕之际,习近平主席向博览会致贺信,充分体现了中方对发展中阿战略伙伴关系的高度重视,为中阿携手前进、开创美好未来注入信心和动力。 President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter as the event opened. It fully demonstrates that China attaches great importance to developing China-Arab strategic partnership, which injects confidence and impetus into our joint efforts to forge ahead and create a bright future together.
中阿建立全面合作、共同发展、面向未来的战略伙伴关系3年多来,双方合作领域越来越广、合作成果越来越实。2020年,中阿贸易额近2400亿美元,中国稳居阿拉伯国家第一大贸易伙伴国地位。迄今,中国已同19个阿拉伯国家和阿盟签署共建“一带一路”合作文件,中阿共建“一带一路”重点项目复工复产有序推进,5G、大数据、人工智能、航空航天等高新技术合作方兴未艾,中国产品、中国技术、中国标准在地区认可度不断提升。中阿双方携手打造了非洲最高楼、世界规模最大的光热电站、中东地区首个清洁燃煤电站等多项“第一”。双方签署了“数据安全合作倡议”,为全球数字经济规则制定作出中阿贡献。 Since the establishment of a future-oriented strategic partnership of comprehensive cooperation and common development between China and Arab states over three years ago, the two sides have expanded cooperation to more areas and reaped more tangible outcomes. Trade between the two sides reached nearly $240 billion in 2020, which makes China Arab countries' largest trading partner. China has signed BRI cooperation documents with 19 Arab states as well as the LAS. Work and production at key China-Arab BRI projects is being resumed in an orderly manner. Cooperation in high tech areas like 5G, big data, AI, space and aviation is burgeoning. Chinese products, technologies and standards are being recognized more and more in the region. Working hand in hand, China and Arab countries have built the highest skyscraper in Africa, the world's largest solar thermal power plant, and the first Middle East's cleanest coal-fired power plant, among other achievements. The two sides also signed the Cooperation Initiative on Data Security, contributing to the formulation of global digital economic rules.
面对新冠肺炎疫情,中国和阿拉伯国家携手抗疫,树立了守望相助、共克时艰的典范。在本届博览会上,与会嘉宾积极评价中阿携手抗疫、命运与共。中国已向阿拉伯国家援助和出口近1亿剂新冠疫苗,同阿联酋、埃及等国开展联合灌装生产合作。在后疫情时代,中阿还将不断深化医疗物资采购、疫苗合作生产等卫生领域的投资合作,为地区国家战胜疫情、复苏经济提供助力。 In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Arab countries have fought should to shoulder, becoming an exemplar of mutual assistance in difficult times. At the expo, delegates spoke highly of how China and Arab countries share weal and woe in the fight against the pandemic. To date, China has shipped nearly 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Arab states in the form of assistance or exports. We are working with the countries including UAE and Egypt in joint filling and production of vaccines. In the post-pandemic era, China and Arab countries will continue to deepen investment cooperation in health sectors including medical supplies procurement and joint vaccine production to boost regional countries' efforts to overcome the virus and revitalize their economies.
去年7月,中阿双方一致同意召开首届中阿峰会。中方愿同阿拉伯国家一道,办好中阿峰会,推动中阿命运共同体落地,为构建人类命运共同体作出更大贡献。 The two sides agreed in July 2021 to hold the inaugural China-Arab summit. China stands ready to work together with Arab countries for a successful summit and make sure the China-Arab community with a shared future can take root, contributing more to fostering a community with a shared future for mankind.
彭博社记者:载有中国公民的车队在巴基斯坦西南部遇袭,造成两名巴基斯坦儿童死亡、包括一名中国公民在内的三人受伤。上周末,巴基斯坦爆发了针对中方存在的抗议活动。外交部对此有何评论? Bloomberg: An attack on a convoy of vehicles carrying Chinese nationals in southwest Pakistan claimed the lives of two children and injured three others including a Chinese national. Protests have also broken out in Pakistan over the weekend of last week over China's presence in the region. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 汪文斌:8月20日,巴基斯坦瓜达尔东湾快速路项目人员车队通勤途中遭到炸弹袭击,造成1名中方人员受轻伤,多名巴方人员伤亡。中方对此事件表示震惊和谴责,对遇袭身亡的巴方人员表示哀悼,对有关家属和受伤人员表示慰问,敦促巴方尽快缉拿凶手,严惩不贷。巴方已对中方伤员进行妥善治疗,表示将全力采取措施,确保中方人员和项目安全。中方将继续同巴方一道,共同应对恐怖主义威胁,切实保护在巴中方人员、机构和项目安全。 Wang Wenbin: On August 20, a motorcade of the Gwadar East Bay Expressway project was attacked by a bomber on the way to the construction site. One Chinese national suffered minor injuries, and multiple local personnel were injured or killed. China is shocked by and condemns this incident, mourns for the Pakistani personnel killed in the attack, expresses sympathy to their families and the injured, and urges the Pakistani side to hold the perpetrators accountable as soon as possible and severely punish them. The Pakistani side has properly treated the wounded Chinese national, and expressed that all-out effort will be taken to ensure the security of the Chinese personnel and projects. China will continue to work with the Pakistani side, to jointly counter the threats of terrorism and earnestly protect the safety of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in Pakistan.恐怖主义是全人类公敌。中方坚决反对任何势力利用恐怖主义谋取地缘私利,呼吁地区国家合作铲除所有恐怖组织,维护各国共同安全和发展利益。 Terrorism is a common enemy for mankind. China firmly opposes using terrorism to seek geopolitical gains by any force, and calls on regional countries to work together to eradicate all terrorist groups to safeguard security and development interests of all countries.
至于你提到的抗议示威活动,你说的情况与事实不符。 As for the protests you mentioned, what you said is not in line with facts.
澎湃新闻记者:近日,美国北卡罗来纳大学生物实验室和该校素有“冠状病毒猎手”之称的巴里克教授持续引发媒体关注,特别是巴里克在人工合成冠状病毒方面的高超技术、北卡大学生物实验室糟糕的安全记录,以及巴里克同德特里克堡非同寻常的合作关系。中方对此有何评论? The Paper: Lately there has been much attention on the University of North Carolina's biological laboratory and Professor Ralph Baric, known as the "Coronavirus Hunter", especially Baric's advanced technique in artificial synthesis of coronaviruses, the UNC lab's poor safety records and the unusual cooperative relations between Baric and Fort Detrick. Does China have any comment on this? 汪文斌:一段时间以来,美方无视中国—世卫组织联合研究报告关于病毒从实验室泄漏是极不可能的结论,执意炒作所谓“武汉病毒研究所实验室泄漏论”,甚至为此不惜动用情报机构炮制所谓溯源调查报告。但是抹黑中国洗刷不了美国自己。美方一再声称新冠病毒是从实验室泄漏出去的,但事实上,最应当受调查的正是美国自己。 Wang Wenbin: For quite some time, the US has been persistently hyping up the so-called "Wuhan Institute of Virology lab leak theory" in disregard of the conclusion in the WHO-China study report that "a laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely". It has gone so far as to ask the intelligence community to fabricate a so-called report on origins investigation. However, the US cannot whitewash itself by smearing China. The US keeps alleging that the virus came from a lab leak, but actually, no one merits a proper investigation more than the US.首先,美国是重组病毒研究开展得最早、能力最强的国家,也是全球冠状病毒研究的最大资助者和实施方。据报道,巴里克教授早在1990年就开始了重组冠状病毒的研究,其团队早就具备极其成熟的冠状病毒合成及改造能力。巴里克本人曾在去年9月接受意大利国家电视台采访时称,他可以做到“人为改造病毒却不留痕迹”。事实上,只要调查巴里克团队及其实验室,就可以澄清对冠状病毒的研究有没有、会不会产生新冠病毒。 First, the US was the first to start research in recombinant virus and possesses unrivalled strength in this area. It has also funded and conducted more research in coronaviruses than any other country. According to reports, Professor Baric started researching recombinant coronaviruses back in 1990. His team has long acquired and honed the capability to recombine and modify coronaviruses. Baric said in an interview with Italian media outlet PresaDiretta in September 2020 that "it is possible to engineer a virus without leaving a trace". Therefore, an investigation into Baric's team and lab is all it takes to clarify whether coronavirus research can create or has created novel coronavirus.
第二,美国也是生物实验室安全记录最糟糕的国家。2015年1月到2020年6月,北卡大学共向美国国立卫生研究院报告28起涉及基因工程微生物的安全事故,其中6起涉及包括SARS、MERS和新冠病毒在内的冠状病毒,且许多病毒经过了基因改造,共8名研究人员可能被感染。除了2020年4月1名研究人员因被感染新冠病毒的小鼠咬伤隔离14天之外,其他所有面临病毒感染风险人员均正常工作生活,且有关事故报告还特意删除了基因编辑情况、事故处理过程等关键细节。 Second, the US also has the world's worst bio-lab safety records. From January 2015 to June 2020, the UNC reported 28 lab incidents involving genetically engineered organisms to the NIH. Six of these incidents involved coronaviruses including SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus, many of which had undergone genetic engineering. Altogether 8 researchers may have got infected. A scientist underwent 14 days of self-quarantine at home after a mouse bite caused potential exposure to a strain of SARS-CoV-2 in April 2020. Other than that, all staff who were faced with potential infection went on with their work and life as usual. Besides, key details like the nature of the genetic modifications and how the incidents were handled were deliberately removed from the incident reports.
巴里克和美国德特里克堡生物基地从事高危病毒和冠状病毒研究的两家研究机构,也就是“美国陆军传染病医学研究所”和“综合研究设施”都有密切合作关系。巴里克丰富的冠状病毒资源和改造技术也通过上述合作被广泛运用在德堡。而德堡的“美国陆军传染病医学研究所”就曾在2019年秋季新冠肺炎疫情暴发前发生过严重安全事故,一度被美国疾控中心叫停。 Baric has close collaboration with the two institutes that engage in research involving high-risk viruses and coronaviruses at Fort Detrick, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), and the Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick (IRF-Frederick). His rich coronavirus resources and modification technique have been widely used at Fort Detrick through such cooperation. However, in the fall of 2019 before the outbreak of COVID-19, Fort Detrick-based USAMRIID's research was temporarily shut down after a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation found serious safety incidents there.
美国处心积虑试图证明武汉病毒研究所泄漏了新冠病毒,但是世卫专家已经两次到访了武汉病毒研究所,得出病毒自武汉实验室泄漏极不可能的结论。请问,美国什么时候邀请世卫专家到北卡大学生物实验室和德堡“美国陆军传染病医学研究所”去进行调查呢?我们奉劝美方,不要再往别人身上泼脏水,先把自家实验室的情况调查清楚再说。 The US has been going to great lengths to try to prove that the novel coronavirus was leaked from the WIV. However, WHO experts have paid two visits there and concluded that a lab leak from a Wuhan lab is extremely unlikely. I wonder when the US plans to invite WHO experts to investigate the UNC bio-lab and USAMRIID? We suggest that the US stop slinging mud at others and instead find out what happened in its own labs first.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-23的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!