喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-30的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on August 30, 20211
Xinhua News Agency: According to reports, the China-Africa Business Council held a launching ceremony for the Report on Chinese Investment in Africa last week, which comprehensively demonstrated the participation of Chinese companies in Africa's economic development. How does the foreign ministry view the role Chinese companies have played in Africa's socioeconomic development?
Wang Wenbin: Last week, the launching ceremony for the Report on Chinese Investment in Africa was successfully held by the China-Africa Business Council. People from different walks of life speak positively of the event, saying that the investment of Chinese companies in Africa is mutually beneficial and meets Africa's development needs and that high-quality China-Africa investment cooperation can be expected.
The investment of Chinese companies in Africa and their contribution to Africa's socioeconomic development have shown the following characteristics: First, China's investment in Africa is steady and strong. Over the past 20 years, the flow of China's direct investment in Africa has been growing by more than 25 percent on a yearly average. Despite the impact of COVID-19, China's investment in Africa has increased from $2.71 billion in 2019 to $2.96 billion in 2020. Chinese companies have taken root in, developed in and supported Africa. Concrete industrial cooperation has promoted Africa's industrialization process and created job opportunities in Africa.
Second, China and Africa are highly complementary in development strengths. Africa, with rich resource endowment and a huge demographic dividend, is seeing accelerating urbanization and burgeoning manufacture sector, while China enjoys strengths in capital, technology and development experiences. Resource allocation is significantly more efficient through China-Africa cooperation. Traditionally, Chinese companies have been strong in investing in labor-intensive manufacturing and industrial park building. New areas including medium-high technology manufacturing, medical treatment and medicine, digital economy and aviation industry are gaining more traction in China's investment in Africa.
Third, China's investment cooperation with Africa is mutually beneficial. China is working to foster a new development paradigm, with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The investment of Chinese companies in Africa helps to smooth global industrial chains and facilitate export from both sides. Chinese companies, while achieving their own development, have been active in the transfer of technology, more local procurement and local employment, making remarkable contribution to social stability and economic prosperity in African countries.
The Chinese government has been encouraging companies to actively respond to Africa's development strategies, blend in with local communities, take the initiative in fulfilling social responsibilities and deliver benefits to local people to make contribution to independent and sustainable development in African countries. I believe that China-Africa investment cooperation is promising and improving in both quality and quantity in the future, promoting continued progress of China-Africa practical cooperation.
法新社记者:你可否证实美国总统气候问题特使克里9月即将访华的消息?如消息属实,可否提供具体日期?他将和中方讨论什么议题? AFP: Can you confirm whether the US climate envoy John Kerry is expected to visit China in September? If so, do you have the dates for his visit and what will be on the agenda? 汪文斌:关于你提到的问题,目前我没有可以发布的消息。 Wang Wenbin: As for your question, I don't have any information to offer at the moment.3
中新社记者:据了解,《禁止生物武器公约》会议将于今日举行。美国2001年独家退出了本已达成一致的生物武器多边核查机制谈判进程,并且至今独家反对重启谈判。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: It is learned that the meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) will be held today. The US was the only country that withdrew from the negotiation process of the multilateral verification mechanisms of biological weapons in 2001 where consensus had been built, and is still the only one that opposes the resumption of negotiation. What is China's comment? 汪文斌:正如你提到的,《禁止生物武器公约》会议将于今天起举行。中国始终坚定维护《禁止生物武器公约》的宗旨和目标。和绝大多数国家一样,中方主张在公约框架下建立多边核查机制,对各国开展监督、核查,这是确保遵约、建立互信的最有效途径。在此次会议上,中方也将再次呼吁重启核查机制谈判,相信绝大多数国家也都会提出同样的主张。 Wang Wenbin: As you said, the meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) will start from today. China has been firmly upholding the purposes and objectives of the BWC. Like the vast majority of countries, China calls for establishing multilateral verification mechanisms under the BWC framework for supervision and verification of all countries. This is the most effective way to ensure compliance and confidence building. At the upcoming meetings, China will again call for resuming the negotiation over the verification mechanisms. We believe the vast majority of countries will put forward the same proposition.事实上,美国是世界上生物军事化活动最多、最不透明的国家。如果不是美国2001年独家退出本已达成一致的谈判进程,并且至今独家反对重启谈判,这一机制本该早已建立起来,各国的生物活动,包括实验室活动,都可置于多边监督、核查之下。值得关注的是,近期,美国在新冠病毒溯源问题上一再鼓吹对中国实验室进行调查,这同美方在生物实验室核查问题上迄今坚持的立场是相悖的。既然美国此前声称生物领域的活动技术上不可核查,那么要求调查武汉实验室就纯粹是政治讹诈。反过来讲,如果美国认为调查武汉实验室是可行的,就没有理由反对建立多边生物核查机制,更没有理由拒绝开放德特里克堡基地和遍布全球的200多个生物实验室接受国际社会的调查。美方这种自相矛盾的做法表明,美方声称的所谓公开、透明不过是糊弄人的说辞。在溯源和建立生物武器多边核查机制方面,最不公开、最不透明的正是美国自己。 In fact, the US conducts more bio-military activities than other countries and has been the least transparent. If the US had not pulled out from the agreed negotiation process and it were not opposed to the resumption still, the mechanisms would have been built up long ago, and the biological activities including lab activities would have been under multilateral supervision and verification. It is worth attention that lately, the US has been talking about investigations into Chinese laboratories on the origins-tracing of the SARS-CoV-2, contradicting the US position on the verification of bio-labs it holds by far. Since the US had claimed that biological activities are not verifiable technically, then the demand for investigating labs in Wuhan is purely political blackmail. Conversely, if the US believes investigating Wuhan labs is feasible, then it has no reason to oppose establishing multilateral biological verification mechanisms, still less to reject opening up Fort Detrick and more than 200 bio-labs across the world to scrutiny from the international community. The self-contradictory actions of the US have shown that its so-called openness and transparency are just excuses to fool others. On origins-tracing and establishing multilateral verification mechanisms of biological weapons, the US itself is the least open and transparent.
4 日本广播协会记者:王毅国务委员兼外长昨天同美国国务卿布林肯通话时表示,中方坚决反对美情报机构发布的溯源问题调查报告。中方对此有何评论? NHK: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during yesterday's phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that China firmly rejects the assessment released by US intelligence community on origins of COVID-19. Does the Chinese side have any comment? 汪文斌:中国外交部副部长马朝旭和国家卫健委副主任曾益新已分别通过发表谈话和接受采访形式就此阐明了中方立场。美国情报机构发布的这份所谓溯源报告,是一份反科学的政治报告;一份打着溯源幌子、推卸美国自身抗疫失败责任的甩锅报告;一份编造借口、向中国泼脏水的虚假报告。如同当年散布伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器的谎言一样,这份报告是美国欺骗和误导国际社会的又一例证。 Wang Wenbin: Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu and Vice Minister of the National Health Commission Zeng Yixin have both stated China's position on this by releasing a statement and having an interview respectively. The so-called IC assessment on COVID-19 origins is a political report that runs counter to science, a scapegoating report that shifts the responsibility for the botched US response under the guise of origins study, and a false report that smears China with fabricated pretenses. This assessment is another testament to how the US seeks to mislead and deceive the international community just like the lie it spread alleging that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
美方应当解释清楚,为什么不通过科学家而要动用情报机构溯源?动用情报机构溯源,到底是要寻找真相还是要编造“真相”? The US should explain this. Why ask the intelligence agencies instead of scientists to investigate the origins? Is it trying to find out the truth or fabricate the "truth"?
美方也应当解释清楚,为什么反复纠缠没有科学依据的实验室泄漏论?即使动用全部情报力量也找不到证据,美方却仍不放弃实验室泄漏论。这不是政治操弄,又是什么? The US should also explain this. Why is it so obsessed with the lab leak theory despite the clear lack of scientific evidence? Even after its intelligence community went out in full force and failed to find any evidence, the US still clings to the lab leak theory. If this is not political manipulation, how is it defined otherwise?
美方还应当解释清楚,为什么美国拥有世界上最先进的医疗设备和技术,却成为全球感染疫情和死亡人数最多的国家? The US should explain this as well. As a country that boasts the most advanced medical equipment and technology in the world, why has the US seen the largest number of both COVID-19 infections and deaths?
疫情暴发以来,美方在抗疫关键时刻退出世卫组织,在全球急需疫苗之际禁止疫苗出口,在中国和世卫组织成功开展第一阶段溯源研究之后大肆炒作实验室泄漏论。美方所作所为不仅导致美国自身抗疫彻底失败,让美国民众付出惨痛代价,也严重毒化国际溯源合作的氛围,使溯源日益偏离正确方向。美国已成为国际抗疫合作的最大破坏因素和科学溯源的最大障碍。人们不禁要问,是美国人民的生命重要,还是政客们的政治私利重要?是世界人民的生命健康重要,还是美国的地缘政治考量重要?美国将抗疫和溯源政治化究竟要持续到何时? After the outbreak of COVID-19, the US withdrew from WHO at a crucial juncture, banned export of vaccines when the world was in urgent need, and went all out to hype up the lab leak hypothesis after China and WHO had successfully conducted the first phase of origins study. What the US has done not only led to a fiasco in its domestic response and took a heavy toll on the American people, but also severely poisoned the atmosphere for international cooperation in origins tracing and deviated the study further from the right course. The US has become the top disruptive factor in joint international efforts to combat the virus and the greatest obstacle in science-based origins tracing. People cannot help but ask, is the selfish gain of politicians more important than American lives? Are US geopolitical considerations more important than the life and health of people of the whole world? How much longer does the US intend to carry on with its politicization of COVID-19 response and origins tracing?
面对病毒,各国命运与共、休戚相关。抗击疫情,需要坚持科学、团结协作。中方始终坚持合作抗疫、科学溯源,始终反对将抗疫和溯源政治化的错误行径,始终致力于推动国际抗疫和溯源合作、同各国一道早日战胜疫情。我们敦促美方珍爱生命、尊重科学,停止打着溯源幌子搞甩锅推责的把戏,早日回到合作抗疫、科学溯源的轨道上来。 In the face of the pandemic, the wellbeing of all countries is closely linked. We need science, solidarity and cooperation to win this fight. China is committed to cooperation in combating the virus and science-based origins study and rejects the wrong approach of politicizing efforts on these two fronts. We stand ready to work together with all countries for an early victory. We urge the US to value life, respect science and stop playing the game of blame-shifting disguised as origins tracing, and return to cooperation and science in fighting the pandemic and tracing the origins.
总台央视记者:据报道,美国务院前助理国务卿克里斯托弗·福特曾发表一封公开信,揭露了美国务院内一小撮人炮制“实验室泄漏论”的过程。发言人对此有何评论? CCTV: According to reports, former US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford once wrote an open letter to reveal how a handful of individuals in the US Department of State have cooked up the lab leak theory. Do you have any comment on that? 汪文斌:我注意到了有关报道。你提到的美国务院前助理国务卿福特发表的这份公开信,是美方一些政客在溯源问题上背弃科学、炮制谎言、对华污蔑抹黑的又一有力证明。 Wang Wenbin: I noted relevant reports. This open letter by former Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford is another convincing proof that certain US politicians have abandoned science, fabricated lies, and smeared and slandered China on the issue of origins study.根据福特今年6月发表的这封公开信,2020年12月至2021年1月初,在美国前国务卿蓬佩奥授意下,美国务院政策规划办公室余茂春指使分管美国务院军备控制、核查和合规局(AVC)的助理国务卿帮办托马斯·迪南诺和顾问大卫·阿舍绕过生物科学和生化武器专家评估,持续向美国务院各部门宣扬“新冠病毒系中国政府故意释放的生物武器”等不实论断。在福特数次发邮件提醒两人必须组织科学家进行认真评估后,AVC于今年1月召开专家会议。参会专家在会议现场指出了相关文件的关键错误。福特随后给多名国务院高级官员发邮件通报会议情况,指出AVC有关论断存在重大问题。据福特推断,美国务院高层可能因此在今年1月15日发表的“情况说明:武汉病毒研究所活动”中没有提及“生物武器论”,转而提出“新冠病毒可能源自实验室意外泄漏”的猜测性说法。 According to this open letter by Ford published in June this year, from December 2020 to early January 2021, under the direction of former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Miles Maochun Yu, member of the US State Department's policy planning staff, instructed Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas DiNanno in the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC) and adviser David Asher to bypass biological scientists and BW experts to brief the false argument inside the Department that the coronavirus is a BW agent deliberately unleashed upon the world by the Chinese government. After Ford sent several emails to remind Thomas DiNanno and David Asher to establish expert vetting group or process that would involve scientists, the AVC held a panel discussion in January this year, where the panelists pointed out key flaws in relevant documents. Ford later sent emails about the panel to a number of his senior State Department colleagues, saying that the assertions AVC had been making seemed to have major problems. Ford suspected it is because of this that the argument about biological weapon was not mentioned in the "Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology" issued on January 15 by the high-level officials of the State Department. Instead, they put forward in the fact sheet the speculative argument of whether COVID-19 had originated at the laboratory.
由此可见,美方一些政客全然不顾科学依据和事实基础,完全将病毒溯源搞成了政治操弄。他们的真实目的,就是要想尽办法向中国泼脏水。“生物武器论”行不通,就退而求其次改成“实验室泄漏论”,这种毫无底线的做法已经被越来越多的有识之士看清,也必将遭到国际社会越来越强烈的反对。 All this shows that some US politicians have completely turned origins tracing into political manipulation in total disregard of scientific and factual basis. Their true intention is to sling mud at China by all means. As they found the assertion of China unleashing the virus as a biological weapon couldn't hold water, they then sought to spread the "lab leak theory". Nothing is more unscrupulous and despicable than such behavior of the US. It has been seen through by more and more perceptive people and will be met with stronger opposition from the international community.
彭博社记者:法国总统马克龙日前表示,法、英、德将倡议在喀布尔建立安全区,面临风险的阿富汗人可以在此停留直至从阿富汗撤离。请问中方是否支持维和部队进入阿富汗以帮助建立安全区? Bloomberg: The French President Emmanuel Macron is proposing that France, the UK and Germany would create a secure zone in Kabul. This is where Afghans who are at risk would be allowed to stay until they were evacuated from the country. My question on this is would China support such a peacekeeping force to enter Afghanistan to help enforce this safe zone? 汪文斌:我注意到有关报道,也注意到有报道称阿富汗塔利班已拒绝设立安全区的提议。中方认为,国际社会应尊重阿富汗主权独立、领土完整和人民意愿。安理会和国际社会如果要采取任何行动,都应有助于缓和矛盾,有助于阿局势平稳过渡。 Wang Wenbin: I noted relevant reports. I've also noticed that the Afghan Taliban have reportedly refused the proposal of setting up a "safe zone". China believes that the international community should respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and the will of the Afghan people. Any action to be taken by the Security Council and the international community should be conducive to ease the conflict and facilitate a smooth transition in the country.7
Shenzhen TV: It is reported that recently, the US forces based in Okinawa dumped treated water containing organic fluoride into the sewer. The Japanese side has strongly protested to the US, and has asked the US troops to stop any dumping of contaminated water. What is China's comment on this?
Wang Wenbin: On the same issue of waste water discharge, Japan has entirely different attitudes to the dumping of waste water by the US forces based in Japan and the discharge of nuclear contaminated water by its own government. It seems that the Japanese side only attaches importance to the protection of its own environment while disregarding the protection of global marine ecology. "Do not do to others what you don't want others to do to you." Japan has the right to oppose the discharge of treated water by the US troops based in Japan. Moreover, it has the responsibility to respond to the concerns of the international community, especially its neighboring countries. It must not take the liberty of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea before reaching consensus with stakeholders and relevant international institutions through consultation. Selfish acts on environmental protection issues would only end up hurting others and oneself.
中国国际电视台记者:据悉,近日,三名中国留学生在美国休斯敦机场入境时遭美方盘查,随后被认定可能“危害美国国家安全”遭遣返。外交部是否知情?对此有何评论? CGTN: We've learned that recently three Chinese students were interrogated upon entry at the Houston Airport, after which they were repatriated on the ground of potentially endangering US national security. Is the foreign ministry aware of this and do you have any comment? 汪文斌:8月15日,三名中国留学生持合法签证在美国休斯敦机场入境时,遭美方盘查并遣返回中国,理由是三人受中国政府资助或其个人手机内发现军训照片因而被怀疑有军方背景。中方对此强烈不满和坚决反对,已就此向美方提出严正交涉。 Wang Wenbin: On August 15, three Chinese students having valid visas were interrogated by the US side upon entry at the Houston Airport, after which they were repatriated to China on the grounds that they were either funded by the Chinese government or suspected of having military background because photos of military training were found in their personal cellphones. China deplores and rejects this, and has lodged solemn representations with the US side.美方以捕风捉影甚至是荒唐的借口遣返中国留学生,严重损害中国赴美留学人员合法权益,严重破坏中美正常人文交流和教育合作。这种针对特定国家留学生的歧视性做法,与美方自我标榜的开放自由理念和“欢迎中国留学生”的表态完全背道而驰,与开展国际人才交流的时代潮流背道而驰,是开历史倒车,理应受到谴责。 The US repatriated the Chinese students under far-fetched or even ludicrous pretexts. This severely infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students seeking to study in the US and gravely disrupts normal people-to-people and cultural exchanges and education cooperation between the two sides. Such discriminatory practice targeting students from a specific country runs counter to the much-touted vision of openness and freedom and the statement of welcoming Chinese students by the US. It also runs counter to the trend for talent exchange of our times. Such historical backpedaling should rightly be condemned.
China urges the US to redress its mistake, stop the wanton restrictions and suppression of Chinese students under all sorts of pretexts, and put an end to words and acts that disrupt and undermine bilateral people-to-people and cultural exchanges. China will continue to support its students in defending their legitimate and legal rights and interests according to law.
韩联社记者:国际原子能机构27日发布报告称,朝鲜有重启宁边核反应堆的迹象。中方对此有何评论? Yonhap News Agency: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report on August 27 that the DPRK appears to have restarted its Yongbyon nuclear reactor. Do you have any comment on that? 汪文斌:中方在朝鲜半岛问题上的立场是一贯和明确的。希望有关各方坚持半岛问题政治解决方向,按照“双轨并进”思路和分阶段、同步走原则,找到均衡解决彼此关切的有效方案。 Wang Wenbin: China's position on the Korean Peninsula issue is consistent and clear. We hope all parties will adhere to the direction of political settlement, follow the dual-track approach and the principle of phased and synchronized actions, and find an effective solution to address each other's concerns in a balanced manner.10 日本共同社记者:确认一下关于阿富汗安全区的问题,中方的立场是不太支持法国设立安全区的提议,可以这样理解吗? Kyodo News: On the question regarding a secure zone in Afghanistan, are you saying that China does not support France's proposal to set up such a secure zone? Do I understand you right? 汪文斌:我愿重申中方在相关问题上的立场。我们始终认为国际社会应当尊重阿富汗的主权独立、领土完整和人民意愿。安理会和国际社会如果要采取任何行动,都应有助于缓和矛盾,有助于阿富汗局势平稳过渡。 Wang Wenbin: I would like to reiterate China's position on the issue concerned. China believes that the international community should respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and the will of the Afghan people. Any action to be taken by the Security Council and the international community should be conducive to ease the conflict and facilitate a smooth transition in the country.
会后有记者问及:据报道,29日国际奥委会(IOC)前主席雅克·罗格去世,享年79岁。中方对此有何评论? The following question was raised after the press conference. Q: According to reports, former President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Jacques Rogge passed away on 29th at the age of 79. What is China's comment? 汪文斌:罗格主席是国际奥林匹克运动的卓越领导人,也是中国人民的老朋友。他为推动奥林匹克运动发展,深化国际奥委会与中国的友好合作和成功举办北京2008年奥运会作出了突出贡献。我们对他的不幸逝世表示深切哀悼,向他的家人表示诚挚慰问。 Wang Wenbin: President Rogge is an outstanding leader of the international Olympic movement and an old friend of the Chinese people. He made prominent contributions to the development of the Olympic movement, deepening friendly cooperation between the IOC and China, and the successful 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. We are deeply saddened by his passing and offer our sincere condolences to his family.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-30的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!